Freitag, 10. April 2015

Divine MERCY Sunday

On Easter we celebrated that God has called Jesus into Life. This call starts on
the moment of conception, goes through every death and is valid for ever and ever.
It's the same with us. What ever happend - the call into Life is valid for ever.
The Sunday after Easter sings praise to the MERCY of God - maybe some people see the call into Life as MERCY.
It seems: once God has shown MERCY a) to the Christian Community (Act 4.32..)
b) to Thomas  (John 20.19-31). But today...  Where is the MERCY of God shown ?
Which Christian Community in Namibia gets famous because she has shown God's MERCY in 2015 ???

Act 4.32 - 35 shows exactly how the MERCY of God is shown in Namibia in 2015:
+ the whole group of believers (of all Churches) in Jesus is united (heart + soul)
+ everything they owned is held in common (all Churches are together one owner!)
+ the testifying to the resurrection is great (resurrection not now but late r)
+ none of the members of a Christian Church is in want
+ those who own land or houses ( of frams) sell them
+ they bring the whole money to the Bishops
+ and this moeny is distributed to any members in need (since 1996 until today...)
WHAT A DREAM for 2015 !!!

HOW is it today  April 2015 ???  cf. John 20.19-31
The disciples all over were in the Churches (the doors closed for others)...
It was HOLY WEEK 2015 - Jesus comes in - gives peace - shows his wounds - and send them - giving them the Holy Spirit too...
Is there somewhere Mr. Thomas, who refuses to believe ??? Are there signs Jesus worked... and the believers saw them...  in April 2015  ???
Thomas of 2015 has to discover the holes that the nails made in the hands of the Body of Christ of 2015. Who has the courage to put the finger into the holes of the Body of Christ of today ??? Who told Thomas of 2015 "!put your finger here", "give me your hand - put it into my side" ???
Do we have an eye, a sympathy for the Body of Christ of today ???
(to see what's going on is a pre-condition for showing mercy)

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