Freitag, 3. April 2015

The HOLY WEEK 2015

It's good for us to decide to celebrate Jesus - it means: his life and his way !
We know: As baptized persons we celebrate in Jesus our own way and life.
It's our redemption-way, our resurrection-way.  HE + WE = ONE

On PALM-SUNDAY Jesus has decided to show in public "WHO is in future the MASTER" the LORD, the NEW King. It's a clear provocation of the existing
MASTER (the Government) - and the consequence: death.
This Sunday may serve as a warning to all Christian Churches.
Is there no other way ????

On HOLY THURSDAY we see Jesus giving us an example - feet-washing -
declaring clearly: Who is the MASTER is doing SERVICE.
This is to show "perfect love" !!!
Sure, this new strategy is for us very difficult: to change from MASTER to a SERVER.   SERVICING not MASTERING !
This is the Slogan in future for our CHURCHES, for our FAMILIES, for our GROUPS,
somehow for our GOVERNMENTS, for our BUSINESS...

On HOLY FRIDAY we see Jesus dying. The NEW King is not acccepted.
His way is the CROSS-WAY. The KING-way / entrance in Jerusalem is over.

On HOLY SATURDAY - we are lost. Our HOPE has died. His strategy at the end
has been a human failure. The KING-way is over.

On HOLY SUNDAY - we got first a rumour: HE is alive ! And with time:
we change this rumour into a reality. We have decided Jesus (HIS LIFE + HIS WAY) is a reality for us - his WAY will become OUR WAY, his LIFE will become OUR LIFE.
We accept HIM (his way + his life) as "BREAD + WINE for US"; for our life-style.

As a Community, realizing Jesu life-style in our modern time, accepting persons are for each other "Bread + Wine"; doing SERVICE as the redemption-way...
in this kind we show the world: we are on the resurrection-way

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