Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2015

Bread for the Life of the World

As we have celebrated the "INTENTION" of God (Pentecost) we go now to celebrate a content of this INTENTION: God, as shown in Jesus, likes to be for us "bread + wine". This is an effective nourishment for us "people on the way into the fulness of Life".As human we need spiritual food for our spiritual energy.
As we celebrate Eucharist, we open Heart + MIND + HANDS to receive this gift. We are now gifted with the presence of God. And - logic - we may become for each other "bread + wine". In this evolution a person is not any more a wolf for his next but "bread + wine". That's a remarkable transformation. We hope our Community, City, Nation, the whole world may experience this Christian transformation.

But - we have a problem: In our Catholic Churches, in the Eucharist, the Christian people look at the Holy Bread, they start adoration, they fell on the knees, they pray - and they admire Jesus. They believe Jesus is present in this Holy Bread.
It means they have well understood the first step: the presentation-Act.
But the second Act: the intention of the Holy Bread is less conscious. The Bread likes to be eaten, to be effective, to nourish. We are glad to see: some people open the hands.. Jesus is given over into their hands.
And the third Act, the final scope of presentation and intention is only in the air - not in the hearts. The call is: YOU may become "bread + wine" for the others.
Sure: Jesus is the Bread of Life for the World. But this Jesus-bread is (we hope) digested in you. You as a Christian have to become "the Bread of Life for the World".
This transformation into "bread + wine" is the aim of the whole Eucharist.

In the Corpus-Christi-procession we show Act 1: look at the Holy Bread and know: Jesus is present as spiritual Bread. Already this show is for the gazing people in our Citys "not to understand". Act 2, the intention of the Bread is not shown and Act 3: the transformation is simply not known (for the spectators).
We live in 2015. The Bishops are busy to prepare a World-Synod: to decide to whom we give the Holy Bread (to remarried people too?) But there is no Synod to deliberate: How we show act 1 + 2 + 3.
Are we going to invite the City to the stadium to show: How we celebrate the Eucharist? And at the end all participating Catholics are sent to bring a piece of bread and a gulp of wine to all spectators with the invitation to come down from the arena to participate on the final great DANCE of all.

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