Samstag, 18. Juli 2015

it's very urgent...

It's somehow UNITY-Sunday.
(23.1-6) speaks about shepherds to look after the sheep's, to pasture them - not to be scattered.
(Eph 2.13-18) speaks about "Jesus Christ is the PEACE" between us:
he has made the two into one (the Jewish-Christians + the Gentile-Christians), he has broken down the barrier to create one single NEW MAN, a single BODY and unite this New Community with God (transcendent unity). 
Mk ( 6.30-34) shows how urgent it is to teach people this very UNITY. In teaching UNITY, there is no rest for a while. 

In the name of Jesus every leader in the Church must be specialized in "uniting", must be a manager of Peace and Unity. The great question:
HOW to unite
- the Family, the Group, the Parish, the Diocese, the Nation, the World; the different groups, the different interests, the fractions... but it must be very clear: it's about UNITY in DIVERSITY !!!

a) to declare: there is ONE God for all means:
                                                              we are already united in ONE God!
b) to declare: Fullness of Life (Heaven) is for all means: all have the right and 
the duty to participate with the Fullness of Life!
c) to declare: the Holy Spirit is poured out for all means: all are gifted to bring their contribution into the UNITY of the Community.
Such declaration is quite important but it's equally important to know the unifying strategy.

UNITY - Strategy:   Everyone has the Right + the Duty
Baptism: - to be accepted totally as a own personality(name) in our Cty.
Confirmation:- to actively build up this his/her Community.
Penance: - to confess the own sins and to get forgiveness.
Obedience: - to listen to the others esp. to the experienced ones.
Death-sentence: - to protect Life.
Marriage: - to choose the own life-partners.
Ordination: - to decide his/her own carrier
Unction: - to be accompanied during all his Life difficulties.

The Church is the stakeholder of this strategy. In the meantime Humanity has developed in this direction the today famous "human rights" and the Church has to integrate this fruit into her practice. The development of this strategy is also today hard work (cf. Family-Synod in Oct. 2015).

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