Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2015

Jesus at home (Mk 6.1-6)

The new encyclical letter "Laudato si" (18.06.2015) cares for "our common home" - and everybody knows "the common home" is now our earth, the whole creation. And this earth, this world is "the basic" (the "hic + nunc" / the "now + here") of the "Kingdom of God".  or) GRACE supposes NATURE!  or) "The fullness of Life" is integrated into the "Shares of Life"!  or philosophically) The WHOLE is represented by the FRAGMENT.

The Gospel today says only two important activities of Jesus: a) Jesus (and the Apostles)
went to his home-town. [John 1.11 says the same: "He came into his own, but people did not receive him" / or John 1.14 says: The WORD became a human being, full of grace and truth, lived among us...]   b) Jesus is teaching there...

We make a translation and we see: What Jesus has done, the Church is doing today.
The Church (the risen Jesus) went into this world again and again and is teaching the people - all over the world - already since 2000 years - it's an ongoing process...
The reaction of the people of today against the Church (Jesu's staying at home) is like in the Gospel: 1. The people who hear the Church are astonished: They asks from where has the Church her own not understandable, not acceptable wisdom? How / Where the Church makes miracles today? In reality: There are a lot of questions today about the teaching of the Church! And nothing is really understood if you remain only in your worldly thinking.  2. The listeners say exactly this: we know them: these homily-people, these catechists, these lecturers - they are only like we; no special revelation...the same problems... staying in the tradition like we... It's evident: the listeners remain in their normal thinking, saying: "we know them!" Because you know already for sure (full of prejudice,)
you are not ready for something totally new... Therefore 3. A lot of people are not able to believe any more... |They go their own way in their own fabricated world...  It's very difficult today midst in all our modern knowledge to be open for something totally new...
as new as the hope of the Fullness of Life!
The reaction of the Church (like Jesus): The Church tells the World: You do not accept us because you are unable to accept the Church as Prophet; therefore  we cannot show you miracles; we only may cure a few...
But... only if you turn - metanoia - open for a totally new thinking... 
and still the Church is amazed how the world lacks of greater, spiritual expectation...

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