Freitag, 4. September 2015


Dear highly respected Mr. Rambler  / THE NAMIBIAN  Fri  14.08.2015
Believe me, I'm a Fan of your column; reading every edition! But the edition 140815 has offended me...  me as a theologian and psychologist, as a Priest of the Rom.Cath.Church.
I felt you delivered me a deep-beat (destructive), not a high-beat (awakening).
I'm a table-tennis-player; may I beat the ball back...

A) Do you attack Christianity or some Form of Christianity ???
1. Your column shows me again the fact: Christianity as a whole and in all its realization is incomprehensible! Such a sentence inter-weaved into your text would be a high-beat... thank you! Let me bring in a picture: For a Namibian, the Ocean is like a miracle and in fact incomprehensible. But if I like to touch the Ocean, I have to decide: go to Swakopmund, to
Luederitz or Terra-Bay...  I also have to decide the time: I like to touch the high tide or the low tide. I'm never able to touch the Ocean as such. My personal touching is by nature highly fragmentary; the Community-touching is middle fragmentary; the touching of the whole Church is great fragmentary; all our understanding is limited, framed. It means: The teaching and the behaviour of the Church during all the 2000 years is incomprehensible,
to understand only fragmentary; it's in the nature of the matter. Therefore every temporary form of Christianity (Church) has strong and weak sides; I'm glad you open the eyes of the readers for this fact: touch the Ocean means "practicing Christianity in your own situation with all the given conditions" and more: always to re-form.
cf. Cornel West: "The fire of a new Generation ".

2. "Christianity is dangerous". How true! (This is a high-beat). "Love each other..." what
a challenge for everybody!!! for the rich and the poor; for the politician and the business-people, for the teacher and the girl... for the pastor and the atheist... "Whatever positive spinoffs Christianity ever brought us have been largely outdone by the immense misery it brings". It means: the Christians, declared as holy during the last 2000 years have caused the misery of today! - incomprehensible. "If only their intention were to really rid their Communities of the scourge of the Christian belief". This is hope for a Namibian without Christianity - good luck!  "Christianity promotes a culture of violence, even today" - if true, our State (Mr. Hage Geingob & Co) has the duty to forbid Christianity.

3. The "non-existent deity, who sits and eat ice-cream on a cloud next to is father, who is also him, who was born of a women never had sex" (Church-language: Jesus conceived
by the Holy Spirit) - this is incomprehensible (esp. for people thinking only in the frame of biology). Until today: some Christians have decided to change the narrow frame of understanding and to believe: every human being is conceived by the Holy spirit (Child of God) - such a "believe" is incomprehensible; it's a healing decision. And the Jesus-story is only the start of such a belief.

B) The discernment of the Spirit.  Again a picture: I like T-bone rear. The bone I don't eat; the fat I cut away. The Christianity "rear" I like it; it's of today - on the way to search for the future shape. But I'm convinced: Christianity is incarnated into Churches. Churches are the different collective Forms of Christianity; due to Culture and Nature. The indispensable bones - hard conservative churches of yesteryear - not to digest. The fat of the T-bone: - churches of Mercedes / "evil organizations" (in your language) / "economy-churches" / "pay to me for God's intervention" - are a deviation of Christianity. But the nature shows us: deviation is happening quite often. The title of your column "Shut These Damn Churches" asks to much. I propose: wake up the main-Churches... purify the branches. I under- stand: Your column is targeted on "these branches" - but your language tells me more: away with Christianity.

C) CCN !!!  Come-on Cheat Nobody...    a proposal
1. No Christian Church without registration with the CCN.
2. CCN has to create criteria for new Churches.  

3. CCN must be consulted by the State in all Church-matters.
4. CCN has not to foster "I believe" (it's the work of the Churches) but to empower people
             to think... ("Unthinking masses being the biggest of its [the the Churches] footprint" -                                what an offence if not true!).
5. CCN must propose a Confirmation-curriculum: "The management of our Life-style".

I wish you a lot of readers - able to extract a real profit out of your social engagement.
Otjiwarongo 03.09.2015                                                                   Vic. Hans Leu

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