Donnerstag, 17. September 2015

Consecrated Life 2015 / part 2

Part one has put a ? ? ? behind the vows. This was a first step. Part two brings now a proposal; it's only a draft. But it's up to the vows-people to make changes. They know how urgent is the situation. We wait for actions. 

The vow of universal sharing. 
To share what I have, what we have - and to empower people to share. We are convinced: we are rich - rich in blessings, rich in skills, rich in knowledge,
rich in Life-essentials, rich in Grace ...
The whole Nation would be glad about such people, the Church likes sharing people, really. It's a real contribution to poverty-eradication and much more:
a sign for many ! ! ! 

The vow of honest cooperation.
What we need today is team-work. We sit together to find the best solution. Is this nothing for our Church? Is the modern family team-work or a dictatorship,
exercised still by a patriarch? And the modern learning-process too needs to become a team-work. To accept as a group a goal and then go the way together; every one contributing his best and be acknowledged. Co
uld also be a new Parish-structure.

The vow of multiple relationship.
Some people don't like to choose one partner for the whole life. They don't like to go as deep as possible, they like to go far. They like to go many ways - different grades of relationships; they like to be open for as many as possible.
Not the experience of sexuality and of children is their goal - they have chosen "something else". They don't take into consideration "the starvation of sex".
They are at disposal of many...  reaching out for other goals.

This "call-up" asks every brother and sister and father of any "congregation" to explain more clearly for what the religious vows are taken for. We in the Church have our own language - look at the Eucharist, the Sacraments - look at the Missal, the Catechism...  but we also know more and more people are unable to understand our "mysterious" language. We have a message, but the message must be clear; somehow understandable if not attractive. Many young people are strongly in favor of "universal sharing" of "honest cooperation" of "multiple relationship". And never forget: the Eucharist is exactly that: We are in relationship with God and with the believers, now and here; we sing and listen, we offer and change together; we share "bread and wine".

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