Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015


One day "they" told me: Yes, Advent is expectation...  but do you know the whole Life is Advent; in reality "only one great expectation".  My answer: you might be 50 % right... but pls don't forget: they have expected you... and you came - your birthday / a fact - and the first expectation was fulfilled. It means: every human being is proof of fulfillment of an expectation. Advent - Life - is one great fulfillment too...  at least 50%
Advent as expectation and the fact of arrival!

Lk 3.10-18 / they said: John the Baptist will be the fulfillment of our expectations (the Christ).
But John says: NO! John knows (as Luke) it's very important to clarify the relationship between expectation and fulfillment.

An other Luke will now make this experience. He is appointed new OMI-Superior in Namibia
Expectations are great and he will have to clarify which expectations he will fulfill.

Our President Hage Geingob is in the same situation. He has more and more to make clear which expectations he will (and can) fulfill. And so every Citizen... esp the once voted into an Office...  and so the Churches...   and so the Journals...  and so the bride...

Jesus - once declared as the Christ (the one who fulfills our expectations for salvation) -
experienced the same: He had to decide which expectations he will fulfill.

Christmas is less "feast of expectation" as more "feast of fulfillment". The Church proclaims: the Christ, the Salvador, the Immanuel is born! A fulfilling fact is stated.

Catholics are people who believe first in facts and they know facts create expectations.
Mary has conceived (25 March) - we see it as a fact - and now we expect birth 

(25 December). Mary has given birth / a fact - now we expect his Epiphany (6 January).
For 2016 I wish Catholics may turn (metanoia) more and more in the direction to accept
facts and believe in facts. A Salvador is born in Jesus - fact or expectation ???
Jesus is Immanuel - fact or expectation ???  Jesus is alive - fact or expectation ???
The Holy Spirit is poured out - fact or expectation ???  You are gifted - fact or expectation ?
The best answer maybe 50 / 50   I recommend 75 % fact + 25 % expectation.
Life is easier, more happy, more healing as we are able to accept facts before expectations.

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