Samstag, 27. Februar 2016

A new Sex-Culture... a temptation ???

Did you read it ? Very interesting! If not... I fear you are not a regular reader of Southern
Cross... How are you a modern Catholic without knowing what's going on in Southern Africa
with our Church? Fr. Ron Rolheiser, an  OMI who is able to think, has the courage to look into "How we understand Sex" and here he sees a real great change in our time (SC-copy 30.12.2015) And you - did you see it ?

In this article Fr. R looks not into science and technology, but into sex-life and explains:
ONCE (before ca. 1950) 1. Sex was MORALLY connected to procreation; - very strong...
2. Sex was tied to marriage (cf. the commandment: no sex before or out of marriage);
3. Sex has gone along with love and commitment (cf. sex as an expression of love only).
TODAY: 1. The connection of sex to procreation has broken down (cf. pill etc...)
2. Sex outside marriage is now more the norm than the exception.
3. Sex is more and more cut off from love ("hook-up-sex")
This shift into a new "understanding sex" is a widespread reality and more:
it's more or less tolerated or also propagated practice in our society. Also in Namibia ?
The change is a fact... you like it or not.

Now the great QUESTION for every Catholic and for the whole Catholic Church:
How do you see, how do you value this change ???   It's a temptation ???
I. The connection between sex and procreation is solved by the Sec. Vatican Council
(1962-1965): The Church got after a long deliberation the new insight: Sex is first for the well-being of the marriage / family (husband and wife), second for procreation.
This is now clear for the most of the Catholic people, if not for all.
II. Marriage: Here Fr. R takes a firm stand: "Our culture's severing of the non-negotiable
tie between sex and marriage is just plain wrong". Here Society and Church disagree - 
the discussion is in full swing: Sexual activity ONLY between the boundaries of marriage?
And what is marriage today ?  cf. Family-Synod 2015 - no solution...

III. What about "sex + love"? How much are they interconnected morally and practically?
Love with or without sex? Sex with or without love? And what is telling us Human Nature?
Religions? Economy? Health? Society? Science and Philosophy?
The Church: "love each other" never told us to have sex with each other! Love the enemy!
Sex with the enemy (as a weapon of war).. Sure not! Love + Sex are two different "GIFT's"
How to differentiate? Pay attention: maybe "sex"-understanding is strongly changing -
SEX is water - LOVE is wine.

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