Donnerstag, 3. März 2016

VALUE - management a Lenten exercise

Joshua 5.9-19 As the MANNA (the desert-bread) stopped - the Israelites had to manage the produce of the country Jericho - to feed now themselves.
2. Cor 5.17-21 God's reconciliation [a real VALUE] is given in Christ. But now the work is given to us  to handing on  [to manage] this reconciliation.

Lk 15.1-3.11-32 He squandered his money... he was lost... finally he is found by God

We got a Budget from Finance-minister for 16/17. He likes to spend N$ 66 Billions and to receive 58 Billions. That's quite a National Asset / a VALUE. The dept is raising to 64 Billions - we pay nearly 5 Billions as Interest. He shows us how much every Ministry will have to care for NAMIBIA. 25% of the Budget for Education - that's a lot.
The Parliamentarians have now the chance to discuss maybe to improve the Budget ...
and we NAMIBIANS at least we are informed.
Every City and Village, every Region has to show the people what they are doing with the money. They must be transparent and responsible.

Such an openness and transparency we have NOT in our Church. The real Christian Community, the Parish, the Deanery, the Diocese - they do not publish neither a Budget
nor a Finance-Report. WHY NOT ???
And the religious Congregations (OMI, OSB, MSC, MSFS, OfmCap etc...) do they publish
a Budget and a Finance-Report? WHY NOT ??? 
"Because in the Church there is no corruption and Church-people are believers" that's an ideal but not the reality. I feel the Church should be a good example in Finance-Transparency - and if believers know for what Church-money is spent, they could take on a say, they could improve the efficiency and the control.

I have three proposals: 
1.) Every Church-Institution publishes every year a Budget and a Finance-Report.
2.) If not: the believers stop to give money to the Church; if they do it believers gives more. 3.) Every Church-Institution elects a Finance-Committee with the task to make the Finances public... and more: to explain the reasons for the Income and the Expenses.

Pope Francis has reasons to bring the Church-Finances in order: a) Transparency is a Church-Value b) The pastoral-care needs money. The believers and the public must see HOW RICH the Church is and HOW this richness is effectively used for the pastoral-care.
"If you cannot manage your money - how you manage higher value's"

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