Montag, 13. Juni 2016

The Power of Forgiveness

A wonderful story HOW JvN embodied the Spirit of God (Lk 7.36-8.3). The Pharisees 
are good people: they go every Sunday to Church (Synagogue), they keep all the Ten Commandments and a lot of Rules, they pray a lot, they care for order and for a pious society...  one of them had the courage to invite JvN...  but a woman (who had a bad name in the whole City) came also in... bringing with her... we know what happened... 
The Pharisee didn't sent the bad woman away but he discovered now for sure: this JvN
is not a real Prophet - he knows nothing - and he associates himself with "such people"
and worse: It seems this JvN is of the opinion: if she can show so much love God must
have given her already much love - it means God gave her forgiveness - not to understand!
And now the Sacrilege: In public JvN says: "your sins are forgiven".
This famous word is for us the embodiment of the Spirit of God; JvN makes her conscious what God has done to her. 
For us normal pious people (like the Pharisees) - this story is a challenge: Sometimes we should make a jump and go on the level of Jesus Christ...  we should say: "I forgive you" (all your sins). Sure we need the law. Reason demands: thieves must be punished... the one who breaks the marriage-bond, the liar, the speed-maniac, the corruption-masters.... they all must be taken to court...  you cannot do what ever you like...  but for JvN there is an other higher level: after justice comes forgiveness (not revenge). JvN knows better: if you got a hard insult, if you are damaged...  you cry for justice - right so - but for your own spiritual health - try to forgive... it's your medicine. 
This is the Good News of the Kingdom of God (of the fullness of Life): without forgiveness the relationship will never be restored; great forgiveness opens the door for great love - for the renewal of love. JvN now is well known as the one who forgives - he has spoken the word in public - he is a great Healer of his own personality and of the sinner and of the society. More and more people discover today: Forgiveness is a special contribution of Christianity towards the human evolution.

God is a GIFT - given-present 
                          in the Life I live, in the Love I share, in the Being that I am.

A secular view: living, loving, being become the manifestations of God.

God is a drive to live - where love is present - as enhancer of Life

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