Montag, 27. Juni 2016

The Priest - an enabler of "HERE + NOW"

Since I'm back in Namibia (after my refreshing CH-May-Holiday 2016) we have gone
to celebrate the Priesthood in Osire (29.05.2016 with dances, poems and a Braai), in
Fatima (Otjiwarongo 12.06.2016 / with best wishes and a pick-nick ), in Tsumeb (19.06.2016 in St. Barbara + in St. Francis / with a great dinner) and in Okakarara (26.06.2016 / with more people than ever and a pick-nick).
The joy of the Believers has shown me, they appreciate our priestly Service, they are grateful for a good prepared lively Celebration of the Eucharist. I have shown them that a Priest is a mediator for the relationship with God and exactly this Service can best be done only as we have the feeling "we go together the way into the fullness of Life". Without Community a Priest is lost and unable to serve.
We give thanks to God for the Grace to perform (now + here for me for 50 years) the
priestly Service - including all the joys and difficulties, all the experiences and failures.
The Communities have discovered: to be a Priest is a joyful Life-style, a very interesting journey. The song came up again: "The Church must be a sign of Life, a Community serving serving Humanity, Humanity".

The Gospel (Lk 9.57-62 in Okakarara) has proclaimed very clear: for a disciple of Jesus,
the establishment of the Kingdom of God has priority (a new Heaven + a new Earth / where fullness of Life is at hand). It's the Service of the Priest, to remind the Community of this challenge and to accompany the believers into this adventure. The great question: where and when a disciple of Jesus has to prioritise the Kingdom of God - get the clear answer: NOW + HERE.
To live the presence as a chance to establish the Kingdom of God is the brand
of a real disciple.

As a Supervisor of the APC's I have seen again (20.-25.06.2016 in Tsumeb and in Otshikuku) how much the performance of Arts is an exercise to concentrate on this famous HERE + NOW. I wish strongly that the Confirmation-Course in our Parishes and Communities should become an exercise, a training to focus one's attention to the crucial HERE + NOW. The real Life happens HERE + NOW as Jesus said: "The right time is now and the Kingdom of God is now and here at hand" (Mk 1.15)

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