Freitag, 29. Juli 2016

Public - APC-FINANCE - INFO's for Finance-Year 15/16

In regard of FINANCES 2015/16 the "Namibian-Arts-Performance-Centres- Association" (NAPeCAs) has done well and is full of joy about the Sponsors who have given:
OMICRON (a Austrian Electronic Firm)      N$ 700'000.-    (ca. 50% of the running-costs)
APC-Association-CH (Friends of Hans)      N$ 270'000.-
Bank Mels (Friends of Lis Hidber)               N$ 260'000.-
Bank Leu  (Family of Vic. Hans Leu)           N$ 250'000.-
All INCOME together from Europe         N$ 1'480'000.-  !!!!
but where is the NAMIBIAN-money ??? ev.  N$  100'000.- for APC-Tsumeb
As we look at the Sponsors we discover: there are 4 very good Parishes: Altdorf (where I'm born) Gut-Hirt + Kloten (where I have worked) and Jona (the Parish-Priest is a friend of me).
Lis and I - we have a lot of good friends who appreciate our APC-work through donations!
OMICRON has told us: You must get NAMIBIAN money - if not, we don't pay anymore.

As EXPENSES the BOARD has given:
to the APC-Tsumeb for the "running costs" (Salaries etc...) N$  680'000.- ca. 15 pts
to the APC-Otshikuku for the "running costs"  N$  420'000.-  ca 8 pts (Staff-members).
For the "Ongoing-Formation" of the Teachers  N$  130'000.-  Refund for the special work of Board-Members and CM's of the APC's  N$  70'000 / N$ 180'000 are given to 2016/17

And now we look into the FUTURE and hope that the Government will give us a GRANT
to continue with our wonderful work to educate our NAMIBIAN young people by Arts- Performance.
On the other side: As sure as we need money (Sponsors) - a real contribution to our Work

perform the Volunteers (from different Countries of Europe) but also people, who send us Music-instruments and other materials like strings or paint etc...
The Activities-Reports show our engagement in favour of the Namibian youngsters
and if you will visit our Webside ( ) + you will get at least an overview of NAPeCAs. Musik-Performances all over Namibia and the exhibition "see deeper" at the Arts-Gallery Omba in Windhoek bring our Results into the public...

It's a dream: Every village has an APC and the Christian Confirmation-course will take over the educational Value of performing Arts.

Samstag, 23. Juli 2016

The BAOBAB-tree as a SYMBOL

The Baobab-tree is very significant. As you look at this African-tree it seems his roots stretch to heaven. And because he is the biggest tree of the world he is rooted in the ground soil and seemingly rooted between the stars. Therefore - he is very stable and strong and he gives us a lot of Life-support... nourishment, water and shade, protection etc...
In my view the BAOBAB-tree is rooted in "Earth + Heaven" and I take him as a SYMBOL of the Christian Personality.

The Ev Luke (11.1-4) shows Jesus as "Teacher of praying".
The healthy Christian Prayer has some preconditions, Jesus has taken them as granted:
1.) I accept the Mystery of God as Creator of Heaven + Earth.
2.) I accept: God has poured out his Holy Spirit into the Universe and into all mankind.
3.) I accept: God is incarnated (embodied) in Jesus Christ.
4.) I accept that in Baptism I promised to follow Jesus Christ - it means - I'm ready to
     personify (in-corporate) the Spirit of God for my situation.

After the acceptance of these preconditions I know Jesus has taken over the belief in the
shape of his Jewish people and therefore Jesus was able:
to speak of God as Father (conditioned by culture)
to keep the Name (the appearance) of God as holy
to see the establishment of the Kingdom of God as Life-priority
to see the Bread of Life is given every day (on the way to the fullness of Life)
to see forgiveness as condition of human life in our world situation
to recognise: our faith is quite fragile.

This speaking, keeping, seeing, recognising is the real Christian Prayer. The one with such a behaviour is rooted in Heaven - like the BAOBAB-tree.
Prayer is not to ask something but to see: Life and all is already given - at disposal - to share - and we accept it, we use it, we do it.  Heaven + Earth is a given reality and Christians speak about the ONE, who has given it; they keep God's Mystery holy they see the Kingdom of God, the Bread of Life, the Forgiveness as means for a new Heaven + Earth and they recognise such a View (Vision) is not secured but a risk.
Next - as you see the BAOBAB - he will tell you a story...

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016

I'm really SORRY...

It is supposed that at least all Christian leaders (ordained or not) have read the "Rambler-
Text" in The Namibian-weekender Fri 08072016. Some Christian believers may also get the "Rambler's message": "let's stop the Free Reign of Terror Organisations" - the Churches...

Why stop ??? Rambler is of the opinion:

bc: they all call heir indoctrination meetings' services...
bc: they prey on the weak and the poor and provide opportunities for egocentric fools to 

       preach the gospel of a cruel, sexually frustrated homophobic invisible overlord to an 
      unthinking mass...
bc: they instil fear in the hearts of their die-hard followers...
bc: they have been a constraint an human liberties and progress...
bc: esp. the Catholic Church continues to keep their members in deep poverty by denying 

              that contraception exists...

To Stop "terror organisations" = the Churches...  MP's want Church-control by a State-owned-entity (parastatal) cf. The Namibian Fri 01072016
H. Hambyuka says: "Namibia is a Christian society, and we don't need unwanted persons from outside the country and tech us how to serve God. I believe that our traditional Churches are capable enough to impart Christianity to the Namibian nation".
For me Rambler is a mirror, to give the mentality of some people to he public... How many people are of his thinking ?

Mrs. Linea Hamykwaya helps us to read Rambler with the right glasses. ch. The Namibian 12072016 9 11 (Appreciating Rambler's Satire). "Satire is a literacy device that writers employ to comment on socio-political issues by scorning and ridiculing target follies --- it is achieved through the use of figurative language --- it may create embiguity, humour, parody, sarcasm and irony".

My questions of today:
Do we realise: the IMAGE of the Christian Churches is put into questions?
Do we take seriously the accusations (true or not): indoctrination, preying etc..
How do we explain as Catholics "contraception"...
And to a good end: We have no Catholic Fathers any more in Namibia bc their heads have already exploded - many times.

Samstag, 9. Juli 2016

Do God - what a message ! 10.07.2016

Moses proclaims today (Dy 30.10-14) a revolutionary message:listen carefully with great benevolence the WORD of God [given as 10 Commandments, as advice, as bridge, as laws... already written in the book]. BUT observe ! this WORD is "not beyond your strength or beyond your reach; it's not in heaven, not over-sea - it's real in your mouth and in your heart" "In your mouth" means: you already like to proclaim it, to shout it out... because it's "in your heart". If you are going deep enough to listen to the core of your existence, into your real personality - you will discover: the WORD of God: justice, peace, mercy, unity, love - is your sincere wish - to live. This is GRACE - in reality: people like as much as possible the WORD of God. The great problem: YOU are not alone - your next likes the same - BUT: HOW to activate this WORD of God ??? - we must come together to find the effective healing way (strategy). It's not YOU - it's WE.

Paulus (Col 1.15-20) accepts: God is unseen. But look at JX, his life-style - you will discover:HE shows God in a humanly shape; HE has activated God; HE is this famous WORD (Moses speaks about) in a perfect way - in a certain cultural situation. Today we say: HE is God incarnated, embodied - visible, audible, touchable... BUT - he has died. 
His time  is over. Are we lost ? Paulus shows a new way: Come together - in the name of JX - build a "Community serving Humanity" - and you are the Jesus-Movement in your cultural situation (today named Church). It's the Church who unite the baptised people and the World, who unite heaven and earth - it's a cross-way anyway... also today.

Luke (10.25-37) has a story: A good lawyer wishes the fullness of Life; he is serious, he ask: "What must I do?" He is ready to engage himself...
He knows: I have to love God - no problem - because he feels: I do it already perfectly.
I know God and what he likes I do.
He knows: I have to love myself - no problem - because I'm famous, I'm a loved one, I'm open-minded, perfect ... I know myself and bring myself to perfection..
He knows: I have to love my next... there is a little problem: WHO is my next?  I have so many wonderful and terrible people around me - It's a tricky task...
And Jesus answers by a picture, an imagination: The merciful Samaritan... now WHO is the next? It's clear: The merciful stranger!
To sum it up:Do the WORD of God (placed into our hearts) - in the way Jesus has done it...  and you are on the way into the fullness of Life.

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2016

Christian Life is a joyful event...

The 14. Sun C (in St. Anthony / 03.07.2016 / Lk 10.1-12,17-20) is a Sunday of JOY.
Isaiah 66.10 "rejoice"; Psalm 65 "cry out with joy" Gal 6.14-18 "no more trouble"
It's the JOY about Christian Life.  Lukas shows:

1. Christian Life means there is "Sending in pairs" (don't work alone). Jesus and the Church (the Body of Christ for our time) send people out. They do this by every Sacrament (but esp. in Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination, Marriage) by every Mission-Celebration (missio) but more clear at the end of every Holy Mass: "ite missa est" (go it's sending).
It means the Christian Life is gifted by the awareness: I have a sending! (a task, an obligation, an aim, a meaning of life; my life make sense in the true sense of the word).
To be aware of such a meaning, aim - is very healthy and challenging...
The best morning prayer: "in the Name of God - I stand up / I go: to make life better; I will announce: the fullness of Life is at hand. Amen".

2. Pre-estimation: Jesus feels NOW is harvest-time, the situation is good, favourable: go and pick up the fruits (life as a gift). Sure there will be difficulties - it's normal... But the time is NOW (not tomorrow / not yesterday).

3. Lukas shows the question: HOW to go to work is important...  but sorry...  today is not 33, not 150, not 1950, not 1999 but 2016 ! We have to discover the best strategy for the Pastoral-Work of TODAY. (And here we are very far behind the time's challenges).
4. We have in mind: J've a sending; the situation is favourable; the strategy is elaborated and I know the message for everyone is: "The Kingdom of God is at hand" (or:
The fullness of Life is possible; is at disposal; pick it up...)

After this sending-summary Lukas tell us an indispensable step in the Pastoral-Work: The workers come back with Joy about their success. The have an evaluation-meeting
they narrate their experiences and Jesus confirms: Yes - I saw your success (the Satan has fallen like a lightning form heaven). You have experienced the Power of the Holy Spirit over the unclean spirits. And a last warning: - but - it's significant - don't be joyful because of Spirit-Power rather because: on the way into the fullness of Life you got a strong Life-experience; a fragment, a premonition of the fullness.
We need in our Church 
urgently this experience-exchange (like it is now done in the modern management; business or State); such an open evaluation will bring us the right Pastoral-Strategy for our time - not only in Namibia...