Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016

I'm really SORRY...

It is supposed that at least all Christian leaders (ordained or not) have read the "Rambler-
Text" in The Namibian-weekender Fri 08072016. Some Christian believers may also get the "Rambler's message": "let's stop the Free Reign of Terror Organisations" - the Churches...

Why stop ??? Rambler is of the opinion:

bc: they all call heir indoctrination meetings' services...
bc: they prey on the weak and the poor and provide opportunities for egocentric fools to 

       preach the gospel of a cruel, sexually frustrated homophobic invisible overlord to an 
      unthinking mass...
bc: they instil fear in the hearts of their die-hard followers...
bc: they have been a constraint an human liberties and progress...
bc: esp. the Catholic Church continues to keep their members in deep poverty by denying 

              that contraception exists...

To Stop "terror organisations" = the Churches...  MP's want Church-control by a State-owned-entity (parastatal) cf. The Namibian Fri 01072016
H. Hambyuka says: "Namibia is a Christian society, and we don't need unwanted persons from outside the country and tech us how to serve God. I believe that our traditional Churches are capable enough to impart Christianity to the Namibian nation".
For me Rambler is a mirror, to give the mentality of some people to he public... How many people are of his thinking ?

Mrs. Linea Hamykwaya helps us to read Rambler with the right glasses. ch. The Namibian 12072016 9 11 (Appreciating Rambler's Satire). "Satire is a literacy device that writers employ to comment on socio-political issues by scorning and ridiculing target follies --- it is achieved through the use of figurative language --- it may create embiguity, humour, parody, sarcasm and irony".

My questions of today:
Do we realise: the IMAGE of the Christian Churches is put into questions?
Do we take seriously the accusations (true or not): indoctrination, preying etc..
How do we explain as Catholics "contraception"...
And to a good end: We have no Catholic Fathers any more in Namibia bc their heads have already exploded - many times.

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