Sonntag, 3. Juli 2016

Christian Life is a joyful event...

The 14. Sun C (in St. Anthony / 03.07.2016 / Lk 10.1-12,17-20) is a Sunday of JOY.
Isaiah 66.10 "rejoice"; Psalm 65 "cry out with joy" Gal 6.14-18 "no more trouble"
It's the JOY about Christian Life.  Lukas shows:

1. Christian Life means there is "Sending in pairs" (don't work alone). Jesus and the Church (the Body of Christ for our time) send people out. They do this by every Sacrament (but esp. in Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination, Marriage) by every Mission-Celebration (missio) but more clear at the end of every Holy Mass: "ite missa est" (go it's sending).
It means the Christian Life is gifted by the awareness: I have a sending! (a task, an obligation, an aim, a meaning of life; my life make sense in the true sense of the word).
To be aware of such a meaning, aim - is very healthy and challenging...
The best morning prayer: "in the Name of God - I stand up / I go: to make life better; I will announce: the fullness of Life is at hand. Amen".

2. Pre-estimation: Jesus feels NOW is harvest-time, the situation is good, favourable: go and pick up the fruits (life as a gift). Sure there will be difficulties - it's normal... But the time is NOW (not tomorrow / not yesterday).

3. Lukas shows the question: HOW to go to work is important...  but sorry...  today is not 33, not 150, not 1950, not 1999 but 2016 ! We have to discover the best strategy for the Pastoral-Work of TODAY. (And here we are very far behind the time's challenges).
4. We have in mind: J've a sending; the situation is favourable; the strategy is elaborated and I know the message for everyone is: "The Kingdom of God is at hand" (or:
The fullness of Life is possible; is at disposal; pick it up...)

After this sending-summary Lukas tell us an indispensable step in the Pastoral-Work: The workers come back with Joy about their success. The have an evaluation-meeting
they narrate their experiences and Jesus confirms: Yes - I saw your success (the Satan has fallen like a lightning form heaven). You have experienced the Power of the Holy Spirit over the unclean spirits. And a last warning: - but - it's significant - don't be joyful because of Spirit-Power rather because: on the way into the fullness of Life you got a strong Life-experience; a fragment, a premonition of the fullness.
We need in our Church 
urgently this experience-exchange (like it is now done in the modern management; business or State); such an open evaluation will bring us the right Pastoral-Strategy for our time - not only in Namibia... 

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