Freitag, 23. September 2016

The sanctification of richness... (Sun 26C / 250916)

Together with Luke we know Jesus is the one who is risen from the dead. And together with Luke we know a lot of people do not listen to Jesus...  it means Mr. Abraham is right...   they do not listen to Moses not to the Prophets not to Jesus, the risen Word...
(Luke 16.19-31).
We know more: Moses, the Prophets and Jesus are all doing their best to help Mr. Rich;
they are in favour of him, they like him...  they wish Mr. Rich may get the fullness of Life...
but...  Mr. Rich is strange! He is rich...  and why ???  It is supposed that he knows only himself; all his richness is for him - only! The prove is Lazarus...
Mr. Rich never think about the eradication of poverty, he never think about SHARING.
He is living in his world, for himself...  other people do not matter. He loves only himself, he appreciate only himself, he cares only about himself. He lives in a closed own world. The value, the experience of SHARING - he don't grasp it. He is unable to listen to Moses, to the Prophets, to Jesus. His empathy is dead; no sympathy, no mercy, no warm heartfelt relationship..   Poor Mr. Rich !

Dear Reader... what about you?  Q 01: Are you rich? You should know it!
Did you ever make a bookkeeping...  write down all your richness? your talent, your skills, your friends, your education, your knowledge, your empathy, your hope, your faith, your communities, your family, your health, your dresses, your shoes and all material at your disposal or in your possession... Please discover that you are rich...
Q 02: What are you doing with your richness?
 All at your disposal - good. You care for yourself - good. You love yourself - good. That's all ??? Are you living alone?
Q 03: Show me the prove that you share. Write down the names of people you share with... maybe make a remark: WHAT you share with ...  soul, mind, body...
Q 04: You work in order to get more rich, richer and richer?  - good.
And did you ever develop a healthy strategy of SHARING?
Q 05: Do you know that God has given the richness of your personality,of your relations etc... the richness of the Kosmos - because it's the start of the fullness of Life.

Q 06: You and your personality, your world and your relations all is given into he hand of others; and you accept it - SHARING means we are given into the hand of each other
and we enjoy it. Now you are very good.

And if you are a Religious...  make the vow of SHARING and forget about poverty. You are called to become an expert of SHARING...   did you ever hear Jesus ???
The "BREAD of LIFE and the WINE of JOY" is broken and given to be shared - 
on the way into the fullness of Life for all...   

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