Donnerstag, 29. September 2016

"Increase our faith" (Sun C 27 / 021016)

It's an interesting cry (Lk 17.5), executed by the Apostles: "Increase our faith".
Question: Is this really our cry, our vision, my wish ?
On the one hand: the Lord agrees: Yes: a great faith makes wonders. And faith in a servant is exactly what is needed, that he will do his service, his duty. On the other hand: we know our best reproach: "Lord I cry for help while You will not listen, You will not save". Hab 1.2
Remember: The Lord shows a way to fulfil our vision: "Write the vision down, inscribe it on tablets and the vision is for its time eager for its fulfilment". It means: Our cry "Increase our faith" must be taken more than serious. And Tim (1.6-8) gives the advice: "The gift, God gave you, you have to fan into a flame."

It's clear: it's up to us to make our vision, our cry, our wish well known for us and for all!
"Write it down" means: make your vision well known, keep it strong, keep it through all difficulties. And most important: your cry/vision must be visible. People around you must know: you are a personality who likes to be a strong believer. Exactly for this you fan your little faith into a flame.

How to make it ?
a) To belief means to decide. You know God and his Grace is given, poured out. It's like 

a spiritual air. But you have to breathe it in; if not...
b) Faith is poured out visibly, recognisable in the Church-Community.Go to this Community, discover their faith and take it over; breathe it in. Faith is not your property, 

faith is a Community-Gift. Live the Christian-Community-Life and your faith will increase.
c) You feel unsure? You feel God is away, not helping? It's exactly the modern experience of Mother Teresa, the new Saint. She has learnt: do your vacation, do your work - God's Grace and Mercy is given anyway; you believe it or not. There is trouble or joy, satisfaction or disappointment - doesn't matter. Spiritual security ist something of the past...

d) Your knowledge is good - but surely framed, limited - you never know all...  After your
intuition, experiences and knowledge has done the work - the time for decision is coming. Without taking risk - there is no faith-way. Life-Waves: believe - know - believe...

e) A spiritual guide will be of great help - don't make decisions alone.
f) Everyday make it a point to bring your faith at least into your consciousness.

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