Freitag, 28. Oktober 2016

HOPE for the RICH...

Today 31. Sun C - the Ev Luke (19.1-10) brings us the story of Zacchaeus:
"HE MADE HIS APPEARANCE": (30.10.2016) [the way of Christian Life in 6 steps]
a) a rich tax collector (it is suppose: he is corrupt, a sinner)
b) anxious to see what kind of man Jesus was

c) He got difficulties to get a picture of Jesus
d) but he is clever enough to master the difficulties on his way

e) And he got an Invitation
f) What a joy.

"THEY" [ it means the religious people of God] complained - not about Z but about Jesus:
"THEY" say: Jesus is wrong because of his solidarity, of his care with sinners.
"THEY" say: Sinners must be condemned... excommunicated...
                     [like the Luke-Community is now excommunicated from the People of God].
Z comes out to defend the decision of Jesus...  Z shows and proves the people that he has
converted: his hands do now justice, his heart is now merciful.
And Jesus is glad to see: "Salvation has come to this house". All the people around (the Luke-Community) got a sign of Salvation..  it's what we need.

The EPIPHANY for the people around (Luke):
A rich corrupt man like Mr. Z has the chance to become a real follower of Jesus...
the conditions: not the circumcision; not the old creed, not the large Thora but..
a) The richness has not satisfied him totally; he is still open for more...
maybe for an other level of Life... there is still a desire..
b) He is able, he has the power to manage the hindering obstacles against his desires.

For the PASTORAL WORK (Rom. Cath. Parishes 2016):
1.) In rich talented people (sure sinners) you discover the desire after more... keep this desire burning (finally it's the desire after the fullness of Life)
2.) Accompany such people and give courage to overcome the obstacles... show them where is a higher level of Richness, of Life... they may discover to be on the way into the fullness of Life for all.
To the Parish-Priest: Come seek out + save what was lost.
To the People
: If you are or feel rich, blessed, advantaged, talented... worse: you have the desire to get more richness and life, more grace, adventures and energy, more joy and happiness...  Luke tells you: You are not lost...  Jesus came to keep open your desire after the fullness of Life for all. 

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016

MISSION - Sunday 2016

As Church we go out to proclaim the "Good-News": The Kingdom of God is at hand" 
(a possibility to be activated).
1.) The Kingdom of God is first a PERSON; it's the Personality of Jesus Christ. 

He is the embodiment of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not a Nation, is not a Republic, not a reign, is not UN and not a City; it's a Personality.
2.) The Kingdom of God is a process. One Epiphany is JvN. We have accepted HIM as the one, who has shown us HOW the Kingdom of God is proclaimed.
As a human Personality he is bound, limited, framed by his time and space (Culture). He is like a starter... the Number 1 in every number...
3.) As a Personality in progress HE has a FACE. HE is recognizable. His Face was well known in Nazareth, in Capernaum, at the lake of Tiberias, in Jerusalem /This face is now lost...
4.) The Jesus-Movement has given HIM a new FACE:
4 A) HE is now represented by a GROUP...  "Where two or three are gathered in my Name..." or where a Community act in His Name...
4 B) HE is now a WORD; the WORD of GOD...  reading the Bible means listen to HIM; there is his Message... the Bible is an expression of His Face...

4 C) HE is now "Bread and Wine" given over into the hands of the faithful.
5.) We today have no photo of JvN, we have a lot of pictures... but the real FACE of today

- we have it as a Christian Community listening HIS Word and accepting HIM as "Bread for the Life of the World".
6.) To proclaim the "Good-News" means today to build "Community" (serving Humanity) 
by listening the WORD and accepting the Holy Bread as embodiment of the Spirit of Jesus;
as nourishment of the Life of the World.

7. The CATHOLIC Mission is to build the World-Community. The CHURCH has a MISSION: to enable every Christian faithful
a) to build up Community (a very hard psychological task)

b) to listen very well to the Word of God (training in listening)
c) to become "Bread + Wine" for Humanity (engagement).
In this endeavour the Priest has to play the role of a Spiritual-Guide. He has the task 

to encourage the Christian faithful on the way to embody Jesus Christ in every situation.
But the task to proclaim the "Good-News" is given to every Person by Baptism, by Confirmation and by the Eucharist: "ite missa est".

Samstag, 15. Oktober 2016

faith on earth ? where ?

Already the first sentence of Luke 18.1-8 is dangerous...  depends what you mean about "pray..."  My translation: "How to stay in actual contact with the Mystery of God...?"
And now the parable... it's clear.... to bring the judge into action...

a) do we have to bring God into action ? begging and begging ?
b) God is justice and likes to see justice is done !
c) Therefore: God and his justice-Spirit is already poured out !
d) We need people bringing the possible justice into reality...
e) Believer (faith) is the one who accept God is "poured-out-justice"
    and therefore he decides: I do it.

Modern problem:
Also in Namibia we have "separation of power"
Parliament (legislative), Government (executive), Court (justice).
And you ? Some people think I'm a "Governor" I have to govern, justice is not my problem, not my favourite... If you like justice, don't come to me... for this we have other persons,

sure not me...   justice is outsourced...

And in the Catholic Church ?
We have a wave of Mercy ! Justice is over...   every Sunday we beg for mercy !!!
Are there still "Justice and Peace"-groups in the Parishes ? and they DO something ?
The Church: "A Community serving Humanity" ? (at least Namibia ? )
Have the lay-people the right "to understand the language of the Church?" The right,

to get a translation into their own language? Who is giving them justice ? Or we give mercy
at will ?  Have the people the right to get "Eucharist" on Sunday? Forget it...
Sometimes the Priest will be merciful, he comes...  but there is no group in Namibia,

to introduce this eucharistic-right !

And in the Family ?
The Tate is the Parliament, the Mother and the Children are the "executive"...
Justice is nowhere...    Has the Child a right of schooling ?  to write the exams?
But the teacher has the right of 8% ?
Has the Girl / the young Lady the right of her Body... or she is basically at disposal... ?

Jesus - there is maybe no faith on earth...   but you will find it.

Montag, 10. Oktober 2016

An excellent APC - Experience...

"On-going-formation" is like a RIVER and the teachers are swimming... getting wet... and start to play games...  as we have done on the weekend 7 - 9 Oct 2016 in APC-Tsumeb.
Lis was for the logistic and Hs. Leu played the "facilitator"... as well as ever...
* GAME 01) We know: we are proud APC-Workers - for this we get a basic salary. (1) You stay in APC five days for 8 hours: 08 - 12h30 + 14h - 17h30... but only "to stay" is surely not enough. (2) You go round to discover what's going on in APC; you see a lot...  you hear a lot...  but this is still not enough. (3) You deliver your contribution to keep the APC well...
* GAME 02) We are still learners too. It means: You have a plan, time and space to go on in your subject...   You have put in place SMART goals for you: s = special / m = measurable / a = attainable / r = relevant / t = time-bound. And you know "exercise is the key for success" To have a great dream is not enough. Today there is a word: "life is: learning without end..."
* GAME 03) You are a teacher (maybe up to 50% of your work). As such you deliver good lessons - for this you are paid for every lesson. But good lessons is for APC not enough.
How do you make attractive lessons??? You know the 6 steps of the lesson: (1) welcome  (2) repetition  (3) something new  (4) how to go on  (5) next time  (6) farewell. We also have APC-rules: But rules are only of value if they are kept well. And now: you have also for every learner a "smart goal"..  We got it: yesterday teachers teach / today (2016) teachers strike / but in APC: we go the other direction: Teachers animate; teachers show how to perform; teachers are interested in the success of the learners.
* GAME 04) We realise our own individual APC-Biography... very interesting. But now I find the courage to narrate my biography to my colleges - so I will get an Image. And more: I like to show my biography to the public: They have to know Namibians are able for a lot of carriers... where is the TV, the Radio, the Fb or Twitter... or maybe the News-papers...
Did I find out who is interested in my story and to whom I like to narrate my story ?
* GAME 05) Sudoku alone is good; helps to combine thinking and seeing... but Sudoku together brings in : cooperation: together we make it...
* GAME 06) We never will forget - after some work - we like to make an evaluation. We like to know what we have learnt, what has gone well and what has gone wrong... (later we will find out the reasons for success and for failures).
And the result of the course: We are again encouraged to give our best...
And for Church-people: Don't forget, this is Church in practice.

Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2016

10 : 1 / 28.Sun C / Lk 17.11-19

Again a "Samaritan"...                 He alone came back to give thanks to Jesus...
It's a very modern situation...  there are now Parishes in the Cath. World where 1 of 10 members come on Sunday to celebrate Eucharist, it means 1 of 10 baptised Faithful
thanks God regularly for the GRACE of BAPTISM; for the Gift of Faith!
Today a) who is ready for the Gift of Faith ???  where all is to be proven...
           b) who like to increase Faith ???  where you are named faithful...

           c) who is ready to defend Faith ???   if there is no profit ...

01) We discover a general weakness of all human beings: As every one likes to get a happy Life... a lot of people are not able to discover all the Gifts already given to them. They also are not able to perform the best with their gifts and some do not know who is the Sponsor and only a few are able to give thanks.

02) There is more: We see quite a good number of people they do not have the feeling "Life is a Gift". How are you grateful as you feel Life is a burden (a yoke) ???

03) On the other hand: How many have in mind: "I'm entitled to...  Life, Work, all Rights, 

a House, Children, a Car, a better position... at the end I'm entitled to Heaven.
From where they have such a claim?  And: because it's my right to study etc... to have a girl...  to whom may I be grateful ???

04) There is something else: Jesus is healing you for what... for nothing ???
He is opening your eyes for a new Life-Dimension... for the Jesus-Movement...
for the Kingdom of God...  for the fullness of Life...
But you: you like to see the Christian Churches; somehow you are glad to have
a better insight, but you feel: "it's not my way"...  you have other priorities.
Many people will tell you: Yes, Christian-Life is a good solution for the World-Problems,

but sorry it's not my strategy... not my favourite way..

Between  HEALING + EUCHARIST there is a great spiritual jump =  10 : 1 . 
Everybody may get a kind of healing...
but to celebrate Eucharist - that's an other world-dimension.
Do you know the Blog: "" ?

Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2016

Faith - translation (Homily 021016)

Dear Community. The Prophet Habakkuk (2.2) told us since of old time:
"The upright person will live by his faithfulness".

That is very true again today because we have now in our Anthony-Church "the Faithful"
(a title given by the Church to all of you);  
a lot of people full of Faith.
We know of others (since of old) they have not enough faith like: The Apostles / today the Bishops. I hope they will ask until today "Lord increase our faith" (Lk 17.5). Before "increasing" I try to offer first a translation-proposal of our Faith (Creed); I hope an understanding (somehow) may also increase (a little bit) our faith.
Creed: "I believe in God". (spoken at the Baptism etc...  maybe every Sunday...)
HsL-Trans: I have decided, God is given to me and to all, to the nature, the earth and to the
                   whole universe (in every case).

Creed: "the Father almighty" (Father or Mother or else...)
HsL: I have decided, God has accepted me and all (like a real mother and a good father);

         I'm acceptable and accepted (this fact to learn is a pedagogical process).
Creed: "Creator of heaven and earth". (cosmos, universe, earth, humanity).
HsL: I have decided, God is the ground-Energy of the universe, of all and of me.
Creed: "I believe in Jesus Christ".
HsL: I have decided, the life-style of Jesus is the right one for me and for all.
Creed: "I believe in the Holy Spirit".
HsL: I have decided, the Love, Grace, Mercy of God is already poured out, sure.
Creed: "I believe in the holy catholic Church".
HsL: I have decided, to live openly as a good Catholic (as possibly as holy and cosmic).
Creed: "I believe in the Communion of Saints".
HsL: I have decided, that all the Saints (also the new Mother Teresa of the blessed Mr. B.              Dawas) are for me a good example of Christian-Life.
Creed: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins".
HsL: I have decided, that all my sins and the sins of all are now and here forgiven.
Creed: "I believe in the resurrection of the Body".
HsL: I have decided, that the Body is the most important part of my person.
        (without body no human, no here and now, no activity, no epiphany...)
        My mind and soul are interconnected with my body.
Creed: "I believe in the life everlasting".

HsL: I have decided, that I am together with many on the way into the fullness of Life.
Make such a decision and you will stay upright, a beam of joy and love.
By better understanding - you fan the gift of Faith into a flame (2 Tim 1.6).