Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2016

Faith - translation (Homily 021016)

Dear Community. The Prophet Habakkuk (2.2) told us since of old time:
"The upright person will live by his faithfulness".

That is very true again today because we have now in our Anthony-Church "the Faithful"
(a title given by the Church to all of you);  
a lot of people full of Faith.
We know of others (since of old) they have not enough faith like: The Apostles / today the Bishops. I hope they will ask until today "Lord increase our faith" (Lk 17.5). Before "increasing" I try to offer first a translation-proposal of our Faith (Creed); I hope an understanding (somehow) may also increase (a little bit) our faith.
Creed: "I believe in God". (spoken at the Baptism etc...  maybe every Sunday...)
HsL-Trans: I have decided, God is given to me and to all, to the nature, the earth and to the
                   whole universe (in every case).

Creed: "the Father almighty" (Father or Mother or else...)
HsL: I have decided, God has accepted me and all (like a real mother and a good father);

         I'm acceptable and accepted (this fact to learn is a pedagogical process).
Creed: "Creator of heaven and earth". (cosmos, universe, earth, humanity).
HsL: I have decided, God is the ground-Energy of the universe, of all and of me.
Creed: "I believe in Jesus Christ".
HsL: I have decided, the life-style of Jesus is the right one for me and for all.
Creed: "I believe in the Holy Spirit".
HsL: I have decided, the Love, Grace, Mercy of God is already poured out, sure.
Creed: "I believe in the holy catholic Church".
HsL: I have decided, to live openly as a good Catholic (as possibly as holy and cosmic).
Creed: "I believe in the Communion of Saints".
HsL: I have decided, that all the Saints (also the new Mother Teresa of the blessed Mr. B.              Dawas) are for me a good example of Christian-Life.
Creed: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins".
HsL: I have decided, that all my sins and the sins of all are now and here forgiven.
Creed: "I believe in the resurrection of the Body".
HsL: I have decided, that the Body is the most important part of my person.
        (without body no human, no here and now, no activity, no epiphany...)
        My mind and soul are interconnected with my body.
Creed: "I believe in the life everlasting".

HsL: I have decided, that I am together with many on the way into the fullness of Life.
Make such a decision and you will stay upright, a beam of joy and love.
By better understanding - you fan the gift of Faith into a flame (2 Tim 1.6).

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