Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016

MISSION - Sunday 2016

As Church we go out to proclaim the "Good-News": The Kingdom of God is at hand" 
(a possibility to be activated).
1.) The Kingdom of God is first a PERSON; it's the Personality of Jesus Christ. 

He is the embodiment of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not a Nation, is not a Republic, not a reign, is not UN and not a City; it's a Personality.
2.) The Kingdom of God is a process. One Epiphany is JvN. We have accepted HIM as the one, who has shown us HOW the Kingdom of God is proclaimed.
As a human Personality he is bound, limited, framed by his time and space (Culture). He is like a starter... the Number 1 in every number...
3.) As a Personality in progress HE has a FACE. HE is recognizable. His Face was well known in Nazareth, in Capernaum, at the lake of Tiberias, in Jerusalem /This face is now lost...
4.) The Jesus-Movement has given HIM a new FACE:
4 A) HE is now represented by a GROUP...  "Where two or three are gathered in my Name..." or where a Community act in His Name...
4 B) HE is now a WORD; the WORD of GOD...  reading the Bible means listen to HIM; there is his Message... the Bible is an expression of His Face...

4 C) HE is now "Bread and Wine" given over into the hands of the faithful.
5.) We today have no photo of JvN, we have a lot of pictures... but the real FACE of today

- we have it as a Christian Community listening HIS Word and accepting HIM as "Bread for the Life of the World".
6.) To proclaim the "Good-News" means today to build "Community" (serving Humanity) 
by listening the WORD and accepting the Holy Bread as embodiment of the Spirit of Jesus;
as nourishment of the Life of the World.

7. The CATHOLIC Mission is to build the World-Community. The CHURCH has a MISSION: to enable every Christian faithful
a) to build up Community (a very hard psychological task)

b) to listen very well to the Word of God (training in listening)
c) to become "Bread + Wine" for Humanity (engagement).
In this endeavour the Priest has to play the role of a Spiritual-Guide. He has the task 

to encourage the Christian faithful on the way to embody Jesus Christ in every situation.
But the task to proclaim the "Good-News" is given to every Person by Baptism, by Confirmation and by the Eucharist: "ite missa est".

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