Montag, 6. März 2017

"lift up your hearts"

The Lenten-Time starts on Wednesday with the vocation to be an Ambassador for the unkown Kingdom of God. And on Sunday we got the challenge to "lift up our hearts", to become up-right-persons. We are not any more only nature (dust) ,we need much more,
we are word-able; we are not any more powerless, we are self-deciding; we are not any more captivated but liberated to the Mystery of God - we are stardust!
"The Church must be a sign of Life, a Community serving serving Humanity"

I have translated this message into 3 little daily stories:

1.) The girl says: "Meme, I'm hungry, pls give me bread".
The good Meme answers: "Voila, here is bread".
The better Meme: "Wait, first look self after bread or better: make self your bread.
The best Meme: "Sure; but tell me, do you need something more than bread?
                            pls. tell me all what you need - and I tell you who you are".
This is the intervention of Jesus: bread - yes! but it's nature; you as a human needs to need much more ...  to become a human being - "all what you need is love".
In the Lenten-Time 2017 we make an analysis of all our needs... how high I'm going ???

2.) The boy says: "Tate, I like to change the whole world".
Tate: "Very good ! but tell me: who will help you ?
The boy: "God will help me; he is the one who makes the impossible possible"

And this is the intervention of Jesus: Yes - God is good! But God is not your helper...
don't put God to the test! He is the Total-Creator and you may activate His Spirit...
But God is not the one who helps you to perform your will; not at all!

3.) The youngster likes to admire the stars. What more...  ???
This is the intervention of Jesus: Sure, the world is a beauty...  but as a human being
you are never satisfied by "something"... in the admiration-list the priority belongs to the Mystery of God. If you admire first the Source of Grace, the Founder of All...
nothing can captivate you... you are a free person.

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