Donnerstag, 2. März 2017

You get a chance...

                                               Ambassador for an "unknown At Home"

Mt (6.1...) gives us an interesting promise...   we will get "great reward" if...
(the conditions are well known: don't behave like an hypocrites).
We asks: Which kind of reward ???  In the religious language: Heaven, eternal Life,
Paradise, the real final At Home,  the fullness of Life, Grace in abundance, ...

In the meantime, Paulus (2. Cor 5.20) makes the proposal, we may understand ourselves as "Ambassador". We are sent into Exile to work as Ambassador of the Kingdom of God.
1. It's a real honour to be called to represent the Kingdom of God in this World.
2. An Ambassador shows a best behaviour to contribute to the honour of his "at home".
3. An Ambassador likes his Exil, his host, his situation (but will never forget the"At Home").

4. An Ambassador feels "between" (the "host Home" and the "At Home").

But something is very strange: We as Ambassadors do not know our "At Home".
We never have been there. We have imaginations, pictures,ideas...  but nobody knows Heaven. It means, all Ambassadors must come together and find out the best way HOW
we show to the people around our "unknown At Home". It's a very urgent ecumenical task. Because our "At Home" is unknown we must together carefully decide HOW we present this "At Home" as a possibility for everyone.

Now on Ash-Wednesday we got the Ash-Cross; it's a mark, to be an Ambassador in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. It shows: between birth and death we got the CHANCE to work as an Ambassador. This chance is established millions of years ago - but now is the time for us to take on the chance.

Remember:    "You are stardust - to stardust we return."
"You got a Chance - never miss it"    "turn around and proclaim the Good News".

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