Montag, 1. Mai 2017


verdwyn - disappearance

We came together to celebrate EASTER and we are full of joy: Jesus is now the
"Risen Lord". We know now: there is resurrection. It gives us a good feeling.

Within this life and sure after this life there is not nothing but more, much more:
fullness of Life. What a wonderful message!

But - something we have forgotten. Did you discover: at the tomb, at the beach, in the
hall and especially in Galilee Jesus all the time has disappeared. This is strange.
It looks like resurrection is only one side of the medal, of the coin, the other side is his disappearance. He is not here and not here - he has really disappeared; he has gone into
a total other world; some people know: He has gone into HEAVEN. It's good to know. But today: who knows where is heaven? Sure not high above behind the clouds. Maybe we
are not able any more to locate HEAVEN. We are a little bit lost.
This his famous disappearance has a reason. or not ?
As a human being, well versed in strategical thinking, Jesus knows: the place you occupy
is occupied. Therefore nobody can take it in. Only if the occupier goes, the place becomes free... at disposal.  That's a human natural law. Now Jesus has stood up and gone, disappeared - you can not see HIM, not hear HIM, you can not touch HIM, you can not discuss with HIM, He is off - to make his place free, given at disposal...
This disappearance has high level consequences...   we will think about !!!
Since then people are invited to take over his place, his "seat", his work, his message -
this is why HE has gone, risen, disappeared.
And we are asked very strongly never to forget HE has gone, HE is not any more at disposal,he has really disappeared.

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