Donnerstag, 20. April 2017

After Easter...

We go as far as to tell people:
"there is resurrection".
We call the people to celebrate this fact...
therefore there is EASTER
the highest Feast in the World.
Later we try to understand at least
a little bit about "there is resurrection".

A GARDEN to encounter...

We are curious and somehow interested...   the Bible gives some clue to resurrection...
theologians explain somehow...  but most important "encounter"  !!!
"We believe" means we have decided: there is really somehow resurrection...
either midst in life and sure at the end of life.

HOW starts the discovery of resurrection ???
All starts with Mary of Magdala etc... Her Jesus of Nazareth has died, she cries...
she went to the tomb and she brought spices with which to anoint him ... his body;
a last encounter. We learn again: Mary of Magdala is body-oriented.
This means: she is very interested in the real, concrete, all-day-life of Jesus. She knows
Jesus is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit (something like this) but she is interested to see,
to hear, to feel HOW he is doing it. The body is "expression of his own spirit" and exactly
this expression is important for her. In her view: Spirit is right and good but HOW to express the spirit is much more of her interest.
It's the same for the Apostles Peter and John. The message: the body is not in the tomb makes them running. They are body-oriented; they go up to look after the body; they go later to Galilee to see him, his bodily existence, his all-day-life over there. And the High Priests are sure: "His disciples came during the night and stole him (his body) away".
It seems everybody is convinced: the followers of Jesus are "body-oriented".

Because they are "body-oriented" they got the chance to discover the resurrection.
Body / all-day-life - orientation is a "condition sine qua non" for the discovery of

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