Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2017

take it...

The Kingdom of God is a FEAST !!!
to go to the FEAST ???
to partake in the FEAST ???
to inform about the Feast ???
to advertise the Feast ???
to proclaim the Feast ???

If ready keep it: "God guides me
along the right way".

Sun 28 A

Already Isaiah (25.6-10) has a great VISION on this mountain:
"God will prepare a banquet for all
         will destroy death for ever
         will wipe away the tears from every cheek."
And as this happens, it will be also proclaimed:
                                   "See, this is our GOD...  HE has saved us"
                                   now let us rejoice.

And Ev Mt (22.1-10) shows Jesus as the new Isaiah
"The Kingdom of God - a wedding FEAST... the banquet is now ready...
come all the tenants...    not interested ?
open the invitation to every one...  and the FEAST got under way...

And Paulus (Phil 4.12-14,19-20) insists:
"I'm in the meantime experienced very well in all; there is nothing any more
I cannot master...  but: what a surprise - God fulfils - in Jesus Christ -
lavishly your life."  now let us rejoice - Glory to God!

What a message: this is our God: "lavishly good to all"
pls open your eyes and ears and go on to discover "how good is God".
HOW to discover such a wonderful message?
There are people on your way they are able to embody the lavish Goodness of God -
did you find them ? or are you blind ? didn't you rise up yet ?
Take the chance and make the day !

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