Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2017

tenant or owner ?

This parable Mt 21.33-43 shows us
what we are in the Kingdom of God:
tenants ! What kind of Tenants ?

Sun 27 A

We are "tenants" who work in the KoG the whole day or only the last hour
but sure with a day-pay! (Mt 20.1-16)
We are "tenants" of the second generation, the YES-tenants, we've given the promise
to go to work (Baptism) and now challenged to keep the word (Mt 21.28-32)
We are "tenants" with the temptation to take over the KoG, to become owner.
We know the KoG is a credit, a profit, a joy - we like to become responsible owner
and we have a strategy: not listen but silence the prophets or  the Word of God,
refuse the Cross, the resurrection way of Jesus Christ etc...
Jesus is clear: If you intend to be owner of the KoG - it will be taken away from you,
given to other people - they will enjoy its fruits - and you will be lost.
We learn again: like the creation, like life so also the KoG (as the fullness of Life)
is a Gift, a Grace, an Offer and our status is "TENANT".
In 2017: Who is the owner of the Cath. Church in your Villlage, City, Diocese, Nation ?
The behaviour of the Parish-Priest shows ownership or "tenant-style" ? And the Mitra
is a sign of ? pls: "lead us not into temptation" but teach us the "TENANT-Style":
work response-able and share the fruits!

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