Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2017

The gift of Authority

Who gives them the Authority
to tell us something ????

Mt 21.23-27

JvN puts the question: Who gave Authority to John the Baptist? Heaven or Man ?
Priests and Elders are afraid to give answer: "we do not know" !
Great question until today: Who gave JvN the Authority for his message and his behaviour ?
Why JvN is reluctant to give a clear answer? why he is refusing to answer ???
Because the questioning group is exactly refusing him Authority.
Sorry; the Church has (on the place of JvN) the answer: The Holy God gives Authority !!!
But this is a 50% answer...     Sorry: Something is missing !!!
1. Mary has given him the Authority (right and duty) to live...
2. St. Joseph has given  him the Authority to survive...
3. John the Baptist has given him the authority to be baptised...
4. The Apostles have given him the authority to proclaim...
In the Old Testament: the Authority is in the hands of the Jahwe-God
In the New Testament: the Authority is "incarnated".
After Christmas 2017 our Church may learn again to accept that the Holy Spirit is poured out and therefore the Authority of God is also incarnated.
The old slogan: "God or man" is slowly going to end into the fact: "God + Man."
This changing is the Mystery of Christmas...   

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