Freitag, 1. Dezember 2017


Did you expect it
what Is 64.3-8 proclaims ?:
You are the potter
we the clay
we are all the work
of your hand.

waiting actively for the right sound...

As we go to celebrate ADVENT (Sun 1 B / 03.12.17) Paulus remind us that we have received a lot of Graces - we are all the work of your hand - and we may be thankful
(1. Co 1.3-9).
As we are enriched clay Mk-Jesus asks us (13.33-37) stay awake !
Wait actively for the return of Jesus Christ, for the "coming of God".
The background of this call is the fact, that Jesus and in Him God is coming.
It's a nice picture to see God is coming in all his Creation - pls stay awake.
The "coming of God" into our brain + heart + hand is for all of us a wonderful
enriching Gift - because it means: Grace + Love + Mercy + Freedom + Justice +
Peace + Redemption + Forgiveness - ...  all these values are to be seen as coming,
to enrich all of us, the clay in the hand of God.

In our human reality:
If "something" is coming and we don't see it, we don't hear it, we don't feel it -
it will not touch us. Only the one who is attentive will discover what riches are on the way
to fulfil our heart - ergo: pls stay awake.
If our senses, our brains + our hearts are awake - open, welcoming, receptive -
we may become very rich: full of Grace, like Mary, like the Saints...

For the Advent 2017:
Start to exercise your openness, your welcoming life-style;
learn to receive all the Gifts on the way to your heart.
If you come to the Church...   why not welcome the other people (also coming)... ?
why not open the ears for the Word of God...  ?
why not receive the Holy Bread to become "bread for others" ...  ?
why not accept the blessing (to get the feeling that you are blessed)...  ?
why not follow the sending to bring the Grace of God to the people wherever you go ?

ADVENT is exercise to expect, to become receptive, conceptive, acceptive...
welcoming...  ADVENT is expecting strongly what is really coming; stay awake...

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