Freitag, 23. Februar 2018


2. Lenten-Sun B / Transfiguration

We understand Lenten as a time for exercise. You will know or discover now by meditation
where are your "christian weaknesses": Maybe you lack discipline, maybe your prayer is a try to negotiate with God. Maybe your love is for God but not for your "brothers + sisters".
Maybe...  you go to Church bc of Jesus Christ or bc of God but not bc of your Community.
Now you got the Ash-Cross - knowing again you are "star-dust" i.e. wonderful but transitory.

The Ash-Cross invites you to repent and to believe in the Good-News.
The Ash-Cross will transfigure you (Mk 9.2-10).
As an Ash-Cross-Person (we see this black cross on your forehead) you are now not anymore as normal as everybody...  we see now "YOU" as a Repentant / penitent, as a Gospel-Believer, as a Community-Member; at least as someone who does exercises in
this direction..  Next to you are the rules of Community-life and on the other side the call
to be courageously engaged in word and deed.
The Church tells you: now you are right; we like your company, let's stay. And the Parish-Priest confirms: Yes you are a beloved-one of God.

Dont' forget as a Ash-Cross-Person you are a sign for this generation (Lk 11.29-32)
and as you give this sign to your brothers + sisters - you have given it to Jesus Christ
(Mt 25.31-46). Exercise is a way to success ...  Gratulation!

Freitag, 16. Februar 2018

49 plates of food in 2017

Lenten-time - the way to resurrection -
there is a lot of food...  "padkos"
In 2017 you got by my Blog 49 plates!
pls tell the people around you:
it's nutritious!
go to visit the Blog "Kdb"  and you feel better...

"go tell it on the mountains
there is a Blog for you,

go to visit it, go to meditate
it's refreshing joy and challenge".

a call  01) to discover the Jesus Movement;  02) to believe: Mercy is poured out;
03) to "lift up your hearts";   04) to happiness;  05) to represent Jesus Christ;
06) to keep Sunday first;  07) do decide;  08) to discover how wonders work.

Do you know 09) the way from dust to stardust ? 10) God's way to care for you ?
Do you like 11) to be Ambassador ? 12) to be a sign of Life ? 13) to enjoy God's favor ?
Do you know 14) life as "resurrection way" ? Do you understand 15) "entrance" ?
Do you see 16) "Eucharist" as a definition of Life ?
17) do you bring together "Life + Death" ?

18) Christian Life  - a NEW Life  19) the new Life is: to discover embodiment !
20) The advantage of disappearance    21) it means: present and absent !
22) How to improve our understanding  23) about Holy Spirit: given or reserved ?
24) 1 + 1 = 11 //  1 + 1 = 2 //  1 + 1 = 3   25) the bread broken for ?
26) the gift of joy - an invitation               27) the evocation of the Holy Spirit.

29) Evaluation ?  30) Kalkfeld ?  31) FLfA (fullness of Life for all) ?
32) Transfiguration  33) Mary of Nazareth ?   34) Jesus as learner ?
35) the unclean spirit destroys the "Joy of Life" 

What is for you:  36) the right thing to do"?  37) the mystery of forgiveness ?
                             38) "free of charge"  39) an unpredictable work ?
                             40) the "tenant-life-style" (response-able + "share the fruits")
How much 41) Feast you can bear ?  42) Harp-Concert you dream ?
43) The way from saying to doing from words to facts.
44) You are bm-ladies (bridesmaids); present to enjoy others ?
45) Do you like to be rich or poor ?   46) God has disappeared in favor of You.
47) Expectation is the frame for coming
48) What do you prefer: "God or man" or "God + man".
49) God changes the name: from Jahwe to Emmanuel

Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

Star-Dust: condition of Love...

6. Sun B (Mk 1.40-45)
+ Ash-Wednesday

Christians believe: "You can cure me" and we are convinced Jesus is the "cure"
for the world as He is light and "bread + wine".
The crucial Q is: which story are we (as Church) going to tell the world about Jesus!
A strong story hindering his redeeming work or a soft story facilitating his proclamation?

In short time we tell the people: "you are (Star-) Dust; and to (Star-) Dust you will return".
It's a fact; but it's all ? Only if you are "fallen in love" and love is your destiny, then
the call "you are (star-) dust" is of great value. Love is like heaven, love is "peak of life" -
 and it's more than good to remind us: "the soil and the swimming-pool of love" is dust

Our story we narrate: The wake-up message of Jesus says: In your (Star-) Dust-Situation,
in your life and love - there is the great chance of resurrection into the fullness of life.
(Star-) Dust-Life is the precondition, the possibility, the challenge for resurrection, for
"Fruit-Life", for real love. To recognise this - is the real cure.
On Ash-Wednesday (14.02.2018) celebrate your condition of human love:
the (Star-) Dust-Reality.

Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018

Jesus - quite busy...

a world of pictures...

5. Sun B   Mk 1.29-39

1. Mk likes to give us a picture of Jesus... we have to know...
He is a strong healer, until disgracing the Sabbath; he is a nightworker and
a get-up-early-man; he is allover exorcising; he is a hard wanderer,
looking after chances and an untiring preacher...

2. It seems Jesus has three occupations:
1. preaching...   clearing his special message!
2. healing...   against the evil forces!
3. representing himself...   defending his good image.

3. The Church celebrates - in view of Jesus Christ - the "religious life"
represented by soo many Saints in favour of a good image:
the vow of poverty 

the vow of obedience
the vow of celibate chastity
and the Church prays God may animate a lot of young people
to choose this life-style.