Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

Star-Dust: condition of Love...

6. Sun B (Mk 1.40-45)
+ Ash-Wednesday

Christians believe: "You can cure me" and we are convinced Jesus is the "cure"
for the world as He is light and "bread + wine".
The crucial Q is: which story are we (as Church) going to tell the world about Jesus!
A strong story hindering his redeeming work or a soft story facilitating his proclamation?

In short time we tell the people: "you are (Star-) Dust; and to (Star-) Dust you will return".
It's a fact; but it's all ? Only if you are "fallen in love" and love is your destiny, then
the call "you are (star-) dust" is of great value. Love is like heaven, love is "peak of life" -
 and it's more than good to remind us: "the soil and the swimming-pool of love" is dust

Our story we narrate: The wake-up message of Jesus says: In your (Star-) Dust-Situation,
in your life and love - there is the great chance of resurrection into the fullness of life.
(Star-) Dust-Life is the precondition, the possibility, the challenge for resurrection, for
"Fruit-Life", for real love. To recognise this - is the real cure.
On Ash-Wednesday (14.02.2018) celebrate your condition of human love:
the (Star-) Dust-Reality.

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