Freitag, 23. Februar 2018


2. Lenten-Sun B / Transfiguration

We understand Lenten as a time for exercise. You will know or discover now by meditation
where are your "christian weaknesses": Maybe you lack discipline, maybe your prayer is a try to negotiate with God. Maybe your love is for God but not for your "brothers + sisters".
Maybe...  you go to Church bc of Jesus Christ or bc of God but not bc of your Community.
Now you got the Ash-Cross - knowing again you are "star-dust" i.e. wonderful but transitory.

The Ash-Cross invites you to repent and to believe in the Good-News.
The Ash-Cross will transfigure you (Mk 9.2-10).
As an Ash-Cross-Person (we see this black cross on your forehead) you are now not anymore as normal as everybody...  we see now "YOU" as a Repentant / penitent, as a Gospel-Believer, as a Community-Member; at least as someone who does exercises in
this direction..  Next to you are the rules of Community-life and on the other side the call
to be courageously engaged in word and deed.
The Church tells you: now you are right; we like your company, let's stay. And the Parish-Priest confirms: Yes you are a beloved-one of God.

Dont' forget as a Ash-Cross-Person you are a sign for this generation (Lk 11.29-32)
and as you give this sign to your brothers + sisters - you have given it to Jesus Christ
(Mt 25.31-46). Exercise is a way to success ...  Gratulation!

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