Sonntag, 29. April 2018


Nearly everybody likes to do "good works".
It means to bear "good fruits"...  Joh 15.1-8
Christians of today know: "to do good" is
glorification of God!
Jesus has shown the same feeling...

To do really "good works" is not so easy! But Jesus is ready today to give us advice,
a solution "HOW" we get able to do good works (not only to dream about).
The Gospel of today is therefore a declaration of unification "a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, but must remain part of the vine - neither can you - unless you remain in me."
To remain united (with Jesus / God) is the source of good work.
The whole Creation shows us: unification is natural condition to bear fruit. Every child is
witness thereof. Everybody is fruit of unification and unification is condition of existence
and growing. First WE - then I / me
The law of unification is also condition for Christian Life.
"Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty".
"Jesus in me / in us" is a modern expression of Christian Belief.
It's of good value to discover HOW is Jesus in me / in us ! (in order to bear fruit).
The "Last Supper" / the Eucharistic Celebration shows: Jesus likes to be "bread + wine".
He is not first Partner, friend, helper etc... He is first a "source of energy".
Death and Resurrection means Jesus has disappeared as member of the present population...  in favour of...  to become "spiritual Energy of Life". 

Dienstag, 17. April 2018

The great Q...

How do we fulfil
the will of God ???
as we pray in "Our Father",
as we try in our daily
christian life ???

There is in Ev John 6.29 a special answer - astonishing - given by Jesus:
"Working for God is: You must believe in the One He has sent" (JX).
id est: working for God, fulfil his will means: believe in Jesus Christ.
One may ask: is this all ?
Consider the meaning of "I believe in JX":
1. I accept JX as the Prophet of Nazareth, living 2000 years ago... and living today
    as the Risen Lord.
2.) I'm convinced his Life is good for me, is yet salvation for me / for us...
      (he has laid down his life for us - John 10.11)
      (Acts 4.8-12: as we confess every Sunday "I believe in JX"
       than we work for God...   as better as we realise this in our daily life).
3. I see: his lifestyle is the best for all people to live...
    I hear: his words as joyful message...
    I feel: his engagement is total...
4. I take the Church (the Baptised people) as the Body of Christ of today.

You discover: "I belive in JX"  is quite meaningful ... 

Freitag, 13. April 2018

order or invitation...

After Easter...  for all the disciples and the baptised people of today...  the situation
is now quite difficult. On the one hand it's clear: the Prophet of Nazareth, Jesus,
seen by many as the Messiah, has died - on the Cross! On the other hand there is still admiration, remembrance, disillusion, hope - and now the rumour, the message or the conviction: he is risen, risen from the death, he is for some: "The Risen Lord".
Luke has a clever method in his proclamation: He let Jesus come up
1. As the one who gives peace, forgiveness, mission...
2. As the one who explains, giving help for understanding...
3. As the one who shows his wounds, he is touchable, he is eating, he is real...
The Risen Lord is now doing the same what Gabriel has done!
a) a wonderful greeting as encouragement
b) a declaration. Gabriel: You will get a child!  Jesus: I'm alive!
c) but the declaration is now understood not as an order but as an inquiry,
    as a question waiting for an answer.
After Easter...  the Word of God, the life of Jesus (his message, his death, his resurrection)
it means the power of God, became an invitation for an agreement.
In the old time: God's Word was powerful creative... 
in the new time: God's Word became an Invitation too...  "pls bring your Yes"
Therefore Acts 3.19:  It's time to change your attitude; You are invited, it's time to accept.
or 1 John 2.5
If you are ready to listen to the Word of God, to take the Word of God as basic of your existence and actions, than the Love of God will blossom effectively in you....

Donnerstag, 5. April 2018

Before or after Easter...

This FIRST Sunday AFTER Easter
likes to bring into our minds,
that we live now in a new time-space:
it's AEE (AFTER Easter Era)
bc we take the Easter-Events as facts;
Resurrection as a reality.

Resurrection - taken as a reality - has three steps:
1. God calls you as a deposit, as a representation, as an epiphany into "earthly life".
Life is given - in every case - and you have a situation, a vision, a strategy -
you are engaged.
Jesus got the Jewish-Jerusalem-Situation to introduce his new Life-Style with a total engagement resulting in death.
2. Death is given - in every case - you struggle between the life-forces and the death-forces.
Jesus has it taken up to redeem these forces and to reconcile them;
the Church-Community may follow him...
3. Because Life is a Gift, God calls you to enjoy Life, Life in abundance.
For this you have to accept death (of the restricted "earthly life") and to wake up.
Jesus has made the cross-way as a resurrection-way.

In regard of my Twin-Brother Josef born 10.06.1939 / 2.
We are grateful that he got the chance to perform a good representation of "earthly life"
in his family, in his 3 professions, in his village etc...
Death came unexpected  Fri 30.03.2018 / 01h - end of the struggle between the forces.
We assume God has given him life in abundance and we struggle with the natural loss.
We will perform a Memorial-Service in St. Anthony Otjiwarongo 08.04.2018/09h
The family will gather from all over the world for the Funeral 21.04.2018 in Altdorf / Uri

RIP  rejoy in peace /  remind us in performing well