Donnerstag, 5. April 2018

Before or after Easter...

This FIRST Sunday AFTER Easter
likes to bring into our minds,
that we live now in a new time-space:
it's AEE (AFTER Easter Era)
bc we take the Easter-Events as facts;
Resurrection as a reality.

Resurrection - taken as a reality - has three steps:
1. God calls you as a deposit, as a representation, as an epiphany into "earthly life".
Life is given - in every case - and you have a situation, a vision, a strategy -
you are engaged.
Jesus got the Jewish-Jerusalem-Situation to introduce his new Life-Style with a total engagement resulting in death.
2. Death is given - in every case - you struggle between the life-forces and the death-forces.
Jesus has it taken up to redeem these forces and to reconcile them;
the Church-Community may follow him...
3. Because Life is a Gift, God calls you to enjoy Life, Life in abundance.
For this you have to accept death (of the restricted "earthly life") and to wake up.
Jesus has made the cross-way as a resurrection-way.

In regard of my Twin-Brother Josef born 10.06.1939 / 2.
We are grateful that he got the chance to perform a good representation of "earthly life"
in his family, in his 3 professions, in his village etc...
Death came unexpected  Fri 30.03.2018 / 01h - end of the struggle between the forces.
We assume God has given him life in abundance and we struggle with the natural loss.
We will perform a Memorial-Service in St. Anthony Otjiwarongo 08.04.2018/09h
The family will gather from all over the world for the Funeral 21.04.2018 in Altdorf / Uri

RIP  rejoy in peace /  remind us in performing well

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