Dienstag, 17. April 2018

The great Q...

How do we fulfil
the will of God ???
as we pray in "Our Father",
as we try in our daily
christian life ???

There is in Ev John 6.29 a special answer - astonishing - given by Jesus:
"Working for God is: You must believe in the One He has sent" (JX).
id est: working for God, fulfil his will means: believe in Jesus Christ.
One may ask: is this all ?
Consider the meaning of "I believe in JX":
1. I accept JX as the Prophet of Nazareth, living 2000 years ago... and living today
    as the Risen Lord.
2.) I'm convinced his Life is good for me, is yet salvation for me / for us...
      (he has laid down his life for us - John 10.11)
      (Acts 4.8-12: as we confess every Sunday "I believe in JX"
       than we work for God...   as better as we realise this in our daily life).
3. I see: his lifestyle is the best for all people to live...
    I hear: his words as joyful message...
    I feel: his engagement is total...
4. I take the Church (the Baptised people) as the Body of Christ of today.

You discover: "I belive in JX"  is quite meaningful ... 

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