Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018

not to belief...

Situation at the Cath. St. Anthony-Church in
Otjiwa Sun 01.07.2018 / 09h:
Entrance + church: closed! Why? No Info!
(why not an info-paper on the entrance-door?)
It was announced in the Church and in WhatsApp:
There will be Holy Service; and Vic. Hs. Leu
has declared to be ready for the Holy Mass.
People, ready for the Holy Service, have asked me:
Why all is closed ???

The reality:

a) The Namibian-Diocesan-Priests had the annual spiritual retreat in Pastoral-Centre
     of Otjiwa Mon 26. - Sun 01.07.2018 / 29 participants.
b) Against the announcement the rumour came up: Sun 09h in Assunta Hight-Holy-Mass

    Con-Celebration of all the priests.
c) In reality it means : 28 Communities are on Sun 01.07.2018 deprived of the
    Community-Eucharist-Celebration (Cty-Eu-C). Did you realise that ?
    Why not high-holy-mass-con-celebration on Saturday or on Monday?

a) It seems there is no much planning in the Parish and therefore INFO is nearly
    impossible if not contradictory.
b) If there is "high-level-mass-con-celebration" - priests like it very much, as a chance
    for "presentation of the priesthood" esp. after spiritual retreat or on the ordination of
    a new priest... or for a jubilee...  but why at the expense of so many Cty-Eu-C?
Is this not "clericalism"? You cannot preach priest-spirituality and deny the Cty the Eu-C !
c) In Namibia - if 29 priests on Sunday present a high-Con-Celebration... we have to
    discover the fact, that on this Sunday 28 Communities are without Cty-Eu-C.
    And everybody knows many Cty's in Namibia are on Sundays again and again
    without the Cty-Eu-C.
d) If the Cty-Eu-C is of no value...   the "fact / 01072018" doesn't matter.
    If the Cty-Eu-C is of high value... the "fact / 01072018" couldn't happen.
    The Parish-Priest would send two priests to every Cty and 'lend-out" the other priests
     to the neighbouring Parishes for the Cty-Eu-C.
Note: the 2. Vatic. Council says: Eucharist is officially recognised as
the source and the summit of the spiritual life". ("I belief in the holy catholic Church") 
Therefore Catholics are required to attend Holy Mass on Sundays.
                 Logic: the retreat would be terminated better on Sat 13h.
e) The Arch-Diocesan-Pastoral-Council will do the same "fact"; a lot of priests have to
    go there (Windhoek / Doebra) and the ADPC will end an Sun 02.09.2018 after the
    high holy mass-con-celebration - it means again: a lot of Cty's are deprived of the
    Cty-Eu-C and the experience shows: there are many more excuses to cancel the
    Cty-Eu-C...  sorry!    (bc: "I don't belief in the Church")
    Maybe: "it doesn't matter" or the 2. Vatic. Council is not recognised.
f) Now we have to aks: For what do we have the ordination of priests if not for:
   "at disposal of Cty-Eu-C" ? And why is Cty-Eu-C so important ???
1. it's the best way to build up Cty's. 2. Vatic,. Council says: "No Christian Community
    can be built up unless it has its basis and centre in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist".
2. It's the best medicine for the healing-process to become in fact a "true-chirstian-believer".
3. It's a precondition for the call:
    "The Church must be - a sign of Life - a Community serving Humanity".
4. But most of all: The Cty-Eu-C is the highest way to accept the Mystery of God,
    to follow Jesus Christ and to embody the Holy Spirit.

In my view: something is wrong with the leadership of the Church, with the formation of the priests, with the valuation of the Cty-Eu-C (on both side: clergy + lay-people). Something is wrong with the practice of the Catholic-value-scale.
If something has gone wrong, we can do better...  and if I am wrong: pls correct me...
at least the 2. Vatic. Council told us: "the source and summit of the spiritual life" is the
Cty-Eu-C".  What we now urgently need:

A course: How to build up Cty by celebrating Holy Mass?
                How to bring value to the Celebration of Holy Mass?
                What is priestly Spirituality for a Diocesan Priest of today?
Is this not a nice fraternal correction for the month of priest's care?

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