Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018

"Rest for a while"

After the 12 Apostles have gone out...  to teach, to heal, to cast out many devils ...
after they have performed well their "weekly-mission-work" (Mk 6.7-13)
they rejoin Jesus...  and they gave him somehow an activity-report (Mk 6.30).
The following Invitation "to rest for a while" is like a spiritual retreat to go to the base.
Until today the Apostles and all Missionaries have - from time to time, in favour of a healthy
message - to reflect the "things" [hidden from the learned and clever] "revealed to mere children" (Mt 11.25).
The basic revelation given first to the mere children into their experience consists of:
a) life is a game (of the forces)
b) life is given (as a gift or as a fate)
c) life is dependency (the balance of dependencies)
d) life is swimming in the womb (of the mother, the nature, the humanity, the universe)
For a Catholic believer it's more than important not to loose these basic experiences -
it means to fill up again and again the heart and the brain with these child-experiences.
We all play the given life in mutual dependencies within the womb of our world.
I wish all of you a favourable place for this joyful rest for a wile; why not choose the Cty-Eucharist to become such a "holy place" ?


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