Samstag, 7. April 2012

Easter - joy!

As we enjoy a Christian tradition, education and exercises, the first at Easter is
our joy: joy about the light (candle), the water (baptism), the word (stories about resurrection), joy to sing Halleluya...
But sure we also have some Easter-meditation:
The Holy-Friday told us "they" have hindered JvN to continue his mission... and we
have to accept: he didn't accomplish his mission; this is evident until today!
It's an experience nearly everybody make it: people hinder us to accomplish our Christian mission, we die knowing: mission unaccomplished! But at least JvN has rendered his contribution, we try the same...

The women of JvN (Mk 16.1-8) have gone to the tomb to mourn, to regret, to annoint the dead body, to care for the relicts - it was their intention - but couldn't perform it:
no body means risen! This is the new message: he is somehow alive, you will see him:
The women's first reaction: afraid, dumb.... but later they became story-tellers...
and today we discover and we narrate again and again stories about resurrection:
the nature, the culture play resurrection... people stand up and walk... and after
death, why should there be no resurrection?
(only because our blind eye can't see it?)
Since the discovery of transcendence (150'000 years ago) - the question is alive and the answer is ready: transcendence is more than normal; all what we see, hear, perceive - it's on a trancendence-way (je ins Jenseits gehend, unaufhoerlich). That's hope and experience! every day trancends into the next day!
We Christian have accepted JvN as one who has given his contribution but not accomplished his mission. This is why by baptism we decided to go on; to follow him means to bring our own contribution into the try to accomplish the mission...
It's a world-mission: at all the times, at all the places...
[but sorry: some Christian will not accept that JvN has not accomplished the mission; they urge him daily to finish his mission... praying again and again... they do not accept that JvN has given his body into our hands to go on to accomplish the mission... it's up to us: please / but some have the same intention as the women:
they try to care for the relicts, for the dead body; sorry it's useless!]

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