Freitag, 6. April 2012

Holy Friday: "death by engagement"

1) John tells us (18.1 - 19.42) in his Gospel how he sees the end of the passionate engagement of this JvN. His "going public", his "hold-out", his strategy: not to confront - daeth by engagement is logic.
2) "to die" is a natural law for everybody - it means "death by nature" is secured.
But some people die of  "death by culture" (violence, car-crash, war etc...).
JvN has shown "death by engagement" is the Christian way.
3) In regard of "fullness of Life" it's important to realize: to be born, to grow, to blossom, to bear fruits... is one side; to decline, to decrease, to give up, to die -
that's the other side.  Both sides, both experiences belong to the "fullness of Life".
4) And again: this participation with "the fullness of Life"  is for everybodey - it's somehow granted. It's up to us to enjoy it - very consciously - to enable it for others, and to extend it in his quality.

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