Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

Pentecost Joh 20.19-23 (27.May 2012)

To celebrate Pentecost let's first listen to the message
a) proclaimed by the Bible: The Holy Spirit is poured out! cf. Gn 1.2 + Ez 37.1-14 + Lk 1.35 + Mk 1.10 und now Joh 20.22 etc...  etc...
Poured out means very clear: the Holy Spirit is incarnated; totally deep in -
but strictly limited by the receiving body!
Holy Spirit is a sum up of the Spirits we enjoy for survival on the evolution-way...
spirit of life and joy, of compassion and forgiveness, of peace and harmony,
of courage and unity, of carefullness and ....
b) demonstrated by the Sacraments: The Holy Spirit ist poured out!
cf. by Baptism and Confirmation we demonstrate and confirm: The Spirit of God ist incarnated certainly in this person.
by the Eucharist we demonstrate the process of incarnation of the Holy Spirit into
an open Community to re-present the Body of Christ in our time and space.
by the Sacrament of Confession we show: reconciling with the Community -
(forgiveness on the way to unity) this human act is incarnation of the Holy Spirit.
by the Sacrament of marriage we hear the Yes of the partners, the decision "to live  together as one" as incarnation of the Holy Spirit.

This message: "the Holy Spirit is poured out", proclaimed by the Bible and demonstrated by the Sacraments - you may discover in your hearts:
Go into a real meditation and you will feel your deep desire for unity, your ernest wish to be a good person, you feel the energy of life, the joy of happiness, the liberation by forgiveness etc...
All these real feelings together is one great sign, an indication of the incarnated
Holy Spirit.

Accepting the power of the incarnated Holy Spirit in you has multiple effects:
a) it's easier to start to act according to the Holy Spirit - and then life will become
a resurrection way, a Christian-Life.
b) you may become grateful for all the graces you got in your life.
c) you may become quite satisfied with all the graces you already got.
Such a satisfaction, the virtue of modesty, will become for the homo sapiens an suvival-exercise.

Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Easter-Sunday 7 B John 17.11-19 (20.05.2012) BETWEEN

Reading this very difficult text - one is clear: Jesus sent his disciples into the world;
it means: they have to live really in the world showing how much they love the world.
Baptised people must know: the world is our place to live and to proclaim the
Good News. This Good News is not extracted from the world - but discovered by meditating the Mystery of God and by observing Jesus. And this Good News is exactly the best bread and wine for the existing world.
The actual world-situation, the view of the past and the vision for the future - these are the target of our Christian message. These are the soil or the rock for our seed.
Baptised people are situatd between the soil and the seed (the world and the word).
They need each other. They must be brought together.The Universe, the mother "earth" has given birth to the "homo sapiens" and now humanity has to receive the word of God in order to dance into joy to the full.

Who brings together world and word
Who unites God and universe
Who melts sin into love
Who flames wood with matches
the one between...

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

Ascension: The farewell-party for Jesus

It's not easy to let go a friend so much loved...  but to die means: he/she has disappeared.
Slowly the disciples get used with the fact and they succeed to let him go.
Mary of Magdala once likes to keep him back; she is strongly admonished
in no way to do so!
The one who embraces the Jesus well known will miss the risen Lord.

Some people  are terribly good: They know every word of Jesus and every deed;
but more: they know his thoughts and his plans... they know him best...
they have petrified him*... legalized him... occupied him...
there is no way for him to come as a surprise, as a new body or
as bread and wine.
And - the Christian tragedy - He never will be discovered in the people around.
The song: Where two or three are gathered in my name - here I am"
is not sung.

* we in Namibia know best "the petrified forest" as a tourist-attraction.
But in the Bible: The Apostel Simon is petrified not Jesus!

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Easter-Sunday 6 B / John 15.9-17 (13.05.2012)

What is the greatest Glory - we may render to God ?
it's a person fully human! (John 15.8)
The logic is as follows:  God in Jesus Christ
                                              Jesus Christ in us
                                                                      we in Jesus Christ
                                                                               Jesus Christ in God.
Such an unification is the view / the vision
the Ev John likes to inspire in us.
This unification has a dubble goal:
       a) for people: to be able to love each other
       b) for God: to be best honored

What do you keep as your deepest wish, your highest law,
your most precious commandment ?  "mutual love"  You got it !
And now: do it !
it means: daily exercise will lead you to such a goal...
but don't forget: love is not skipping the cable....
                          love is "to dance on the high wire"
                                     above: the sky
                                     down: the earth
At least there is no enterprise on earth with a better vision
and therefore with a bigger gap between dream + fact.
Bring your balance to the tension - enjoy the daily step!

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012


Normal          1 + 1 = 2        1 + 1 + 1 = 3      1 + 1 + xy =  xy
Philosophiy    1 + 1 = 3        1 + 1 + 1 = 5      1 + 1 + xy =  ?
Church          1 + 1 = 1        1 + 1 + 1 = 1      1 + 1 + xy =  1

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

Otjiwarongo 05-05-12 Welcome

Today I like especially to welcome readers from Otjiwarongo.
They are of different Christian denominations
but they know best: there is an unifying factor:
looking at Jesus Christ, listening to his Gospel!
The reactions of such listening must be different. I see this as a richness!
Let's bring the different flowers into one glass-vase
and we have a wonderful bouquet.
Mag die genade van Jesus Christus met u wees            Vic. Hans Leu

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2012

Easter Sunday 5 B / John 15.1-8 (06 May 2012)

The parable of today is very clear: in order to succeed with Christian Life
we have to stay connected with Jesus Christ
(whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty).
The parable assumes a) Jesus is a source of energy
                                 b) we are already united with Jesus Christ (Baptism)
                                 c) to keep united means bear fruits / Glory of God!
But now the strong question: in our daily situation, in our journey -
how do we keep connection with a dead person?

First answer: Human beings have a memory-box, a storing-room, and from
there by intra-personal re-animation we bring once spoken words, past
deeds, pictures from dead persons into our consciousness. That's a good
and most healthy way to activate constructivelly the past;
don't forget to unite with your past friends.
But this is not yet resurrection; this is a memorial-service.
We have put the wrong question: connect with a dead person!

We go deeper: After Easter we have to put the stronger question:
How to keep connection with the risen Lord? It's clear:
after Easter, after Baptism, we are not looking at Jesus
as a dead man, we see him as alive in his Community
(we are not blind anymore; we decide he is alive before we understand
how he is alive; we are looking after him not in the graveyard!)
Jesus himself has shown us the way: The first step: "Do this in memory
of me". Yes - the Last-Supper is first a memorial-service.
We listen to the past words of the Bible - but now, as we listen,
we accept these words as the "Word of God", given to us now and here,
given to us through the Community - named "the Body of Christ".
The bread is given into our hands - but we accept it now and here
as the "Body of Christ, the risen Lord", changing all who acccept
into the one Body of Christ of our time! (the Church).
The Eucharistic memorial-service became a mutual re-incorporation-act.
The baptised people become able to share bread, to heal wounds,
enjoy life, engage with peace, to unite and to transcend etc...

I see now three ways to keep the connection with the risen Lord:
A) keep daily a memorial-service; meditate his words and deeds...
B) perform weekly as a Community the re-incorporation-act (Eucharist)...
C) celebrate every year the feasts and the sacraments...
    discovering: life is a feast!