Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

Ascension: The farewell-party for Jesus

It's not easy to let go a friend so much loved...  but to die means: he/she has disappeared.
Slowly the disciples get used with the fact and they succeed to let him go.
Mary of Magdala once likes to keep him back; she is strongly admonished
in no way to do so!
The one who embraces the Jesus well known will miss the risen Lord.

Some people  are terribly good: They know every word of Jesus and every deed;
but more: they know his thoughts and his plans... they know him best...
they have petrified him*... legalized him... occupied him...
there is no way for him to come as a surprise, as a new body or
as bread and wine.
And - the Christian tragedy - He never will be discovered in the people around.
The song: Where two or three are gathered in my name - here I am"
is not sung.

* we in Namibia know best "the petrified forest" as a tourist-attraction.
But in the Bible: The Apostel Simon is petrified not Jesus!

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