Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

Pentecost Joh 20.19-23 (27.May 2012)

To celebrate Pentecost let's first listen to the message
a) proclaimed by the Bible: The Holy Spirit is poured out! cf. Gn 1.2 + Ez 37.1-14 + Lk 1.35 + Mk 1.10 und now Joh 20.22 etc...  etc...
Poured out means very clear: the Holy Spirit is incarnated; totally deep in -
but strictly limited by the receiving body!
Holy Spirit is a sum up of the Spirits we enjoy for survival on the evolution-way...
spirit of life and joy, of compassion and forgiveness, of peace and harmony,
of courage and unity, of carefullness and ....
b) demonstrated by the Sacraments: The Holy Spirit ist poured out!
cf. by Baptism and Confirmation we demonstrate and confirm: The Spirit of God ist incarnated certainly in this person.
by the Eucharist we demonstrate the process of incarnation of the Holy Spirit into
an open Community to re-present the Body of Christ in our time and space.
by the Sacrament of Confession we show: reconciling with the Community -
(forgiveness on the way to unity) this human act is incarnation of the Holy Spirit.
by the Sacrament of marriage we hear the Yes of the partners, the decision "to live  together as one" as incarnation of the Holy Spirit.

This message: "the Holy Spirit is poured out", proclaimed by the Bible and demonstrated by the Sacraments - you may discover in your hearts:
Go into a real meditation and you will feel your deep desire for unity, your ernest wish to be a good person, you feel the energy of life, the joy of happiness, the liberation by forgiveness etc...
All these real feelings together is one great sign, an indication of the incarnated
Holy Spirit.

Accepting the power of the incarnated Holy Spirit in you has multiple effects:
a) it's easier to start to act according to the Holy Spirit - and then life will become
a resurrection way, a Christian-Life.
b) you may become grateful for all the graces you got in your life.
c) you may become quite satisfied with all the graces you already got.
Such a satisfaction, the virtue of modesty, will become for the homo sapiens an suvival-exercise.

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