Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Easter-Sunday 6 B / John 15.9-17 (13.05.2012)

What is the greatest Glory - we may render to God ?
it's a person fully human! (John 15.8)
The logic is as follows:  God in Jesus Christ
                                              Jesus Christ in us
                                                                      we in Jesus Christ
                                                                               Jesus Christ in God.
Such an unification is the view / the vision
the Ev John likes to inspire in us.
This unification has a dubble goal:
       a) for people: to be able to love each other
       b) for God: to be best honored

What do you keep as your deepest wish, your highest law,
your most precious commandment ?  "mutual love"  You got it !
And now: do it !
it means: daily exercise will lead you to such a goal...
but don't forget: love is not skipping the cable....
                          love is "to dance on the high wire"
                                     above: the sky
                                     down: the earth
At least there is no enterprise on earth with a better vision
and therefore with a bigger gap between dream + fact.
Bring your balance to the tension - enjoy the daily step!

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