Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

Corpus Christi 2012 / language matters

Pope Benedikt XVI has declared a new wording for the consecration
(the word over the cup). His given reason: take the Bible more literally.
The wording after the Vaticanum II in english:
                "it will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven"
      in latein as ever: "pro vobis et pro multis"
The new wording 2012 in english: "for you and for many"

Question A) Is the forgiveness of sins an offer for all or only for many?
Answer A) The whole Church all the time has declared:
                Christ has died for all und forgiveness is offered to all.
                1 Tim 2.6 etc...

Questions B) Is the new wording more biblical?
Answer B) we discover: "pro vobis et pro multis" is not written in any gospel.
                 Mk (14.24) + Mt (26.28) say: pro multis  (for many)
                 Lk (22.17) says: pro vobis (for you)
                 it means the Church has made a combination: Mk/Mt + Lk

The problem: Our wording in the new order says "for many", but it's clear we mean:
                    "for all"! Again - as often in the Church - we don't speak what we mean...
                    That's really misleading... are we going into troubles?

Solution ???
? 1) obedience
? 2) If we speak "for all the many" we may better clarify the real meaning.
       like: all the many people we have seen....
       it's sorry: but in english today "many" means exactly: "not all!"
? 3) If we consult the Gospel John, we discover clearly in Jo 6.32,51,58!
       Jesus gives himself for the life of the world.
       A new combination may help us:  Luke + John
          "for you and for the life of the world"

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