Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

The feast of Trinity (03.06.2012)

Our God, well known as Jahwe since Moses, has a long history. First he was known as a Warrior-God, later as a Patriarch; ca. 550 before Jesus Christ (in the Babylonian exile) he is discovered as Creator of heaven and earth (Gn 1.1...) ;
for Jesus Christ he became Abba and for Thomas Aquinas (1250 after Jesus Christ)
he is seen as "ens a se" (absolute being).
But also the idea: There is only one God! has developped. Out of the biblical language, speaking about Father, Son, Holy Spirit - the early Church-Fathers have slowly discovered the Trinity of God; made a Dogma (first 675 in Toledo) by the 4th Lateran-council 1215.

Today nearly the whole world is of the opinion: we have one God - and for Christians he is known as Father, as Son Jesus Christ, as Holy Spirit - to this God we are baptised. God-Father is like the abundant lake, the Son is like the river and the Holy Spirit is like the flowers. Such wonderful pictures do not really reveal the relationship between God and the Creation. This relation today is much discussed and in no way clear. It seems there is a development from Monotheism to Kosmotheism (cf. Jan Assmannn 1997 / Klaus Mueller 2006). We think today the mystery of God as incarnated into the Universe. The cosmos is seen as body of God.

Much more important is the discovery that the Holy God is not an entity-a-se but a relation. Like a child: it is not an entity-a-se but child means: to be in relation (with a mother , a father). The Deity is God in relation to humanity.
And humanity is the space-time where we learn God reveals his own resurrection. Or in the language of the natural-siences: the evolution of God.
And you, are you ready to discover a new picture of God for your suvival ?

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