Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012

Sun 13 B (1.07.2012) "talitha kum"

If there is death around the corner - Christian people are used to pray...
the see God as Master of Life + Death.
Today we hear (in the book of wisdom 1.13-15; 2.23+24) something else -
for us strange: "Death was not God's doing"
and surprisingly: "he takes no pleasure in the extinction of the living".
It's all the contrary: "to exist - for this he created all".

Such a wisdom is demonstrated by JvN in Mk 5.21-24; 33-34
He told the girl "talitha kum" = get up!
Dying is not the way God likes. Therefore we have decided:
Our God is God of Life!

But sure: if you have a narrow view, 
if you see life only as a biological matter - nothing else -
only body no spirit - then Life is in your view a delusion.
It's good to broaden our view, to discover there is more
than only what we see...

Life is an incredible mystery - 
and as JvN was forced to die, God told him as ever:
that's not the way - pls: "talitha kum".

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