Samstag, 6. Oktober 2012

Sun 27 B (07.10.12) "Great FAITH"

1.) Today the Catholic Church opens in Rom a World-Bishops-Synode.
300 Bishops are looking after a strategy for a NEW EVANGELISATION.
They like to strengthen the Catholic Belief in our World of today.

2.) On the 11.10.12 the Catholic Church celebrates the opening of the Council Vaticanum II exactly 50 years ago. 2500 Bishops and a lot of experts came together in Rom to concentrate on the CHURCH: Pope XXIII has asked for an
aggiornamento - to make the CHURCH able to bring the GOOD NEWS to the World of today.

3.) Pope Benedict will open for the whole Catholic CHURCH the "YEAR of FAITH"
and invite all CATHOLICS to deepen and renew their own faith.

As Post-Vatican-Catholics (PVC) we may concider again the subjects of the
Great COUNCIL and of the SYNODE:

A) How do you see the CHURCH? Do you feel you are CHURCH?
Can you see the CHURCH as the "people of God" on a pilgrimage?
Can you see the CHURCH as the "sacrament" of salvation for the world?
Can you see the CHURCH as the "Body of Christ" acting in the name of God?
Take the RomCathChurch of Namibia in your view...

B) Going to celebrate the Eucharist or the sacraments - do you feel only as a spectator or as an active participants? Do you understand what we do in the
Holy Liturgy?

C) Do you accept as a Catholic: it's now a human right to choose freely his/her own religion? The State has to facilitate the activities of all Religions.

D) You are ecumenycally engaged? What could we do more as an ecumenical christian body in Namibia?

E) We see today the Jewish People as the older brother of the Christianity
and don't forget: we are living in the same covenant with God.

F) We know since ever: God loves the World...  but we als Christians of today -
how do we show to everybody our love for the World?

G) Today we know 4 resources of revelation: God speaks to the World (it means
to all of us) through the Bible, the tradition, the experiences and the reason.
It means it's not so easy to find out the will of God for the people of today!

H) Which kind of leadership fits best for the CHURCH? A holy dictatorship?
a seculare democracy? a service-leadership?

We are very grateful for the GREAT-COUNCIL - the old belief became a new face
- it was very needed -
but the facelifting has shown: the old belief tunes not any more...

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