Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

Sun 28 B (14.10.2012) Mk 10.17-30

What a joy to see: a young rich man asks for Life-quality. And exactly such an "asking for..." is for Christianity so important, that the question comes up again and again... (Mt 19.16-22; Lk 18.188-23; Lk 10.25-37) and in all the years never disappeared.
The first answer is very clear: "Keep the commandments". Because the "10 commandments of God from Sinai" are seen as the conditions for humanity to survive. The Human-Righs of today are a secular development of the commandments. In the secular Constitution of Namibia the Human-Rights have a good place (Chapter 3; articles 5-25!) If they are kept well and granted really - the life of many Namibians will improve.

But God has not only given naked Life - He challenges all of us to participate with the fulness of Life. And the rich is the one who has already got a share. Now Jesus shows the first principle for the increase in Life-quality: SHARING
Not only don't steal - but share your riches!
Not only don't lie     - but speak (share your knowledge; experiences)
Not only don't break marriage - but share table and bed.
If you don't share somewhere - you deprive humanity of Life-quality.

In our "Arts-Performance-Centres" we promote Life-quality - but only because
some rich people share their riches with us.

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