Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012

Sun 30 B (28.10.2012) Mk 10.46-52

Mk shows today Jesus as an eye-opener...
(for the participants on the Bishops-Synode but also for us as we try to follow Jesus Christ)

In Mk 1.15 we hear as proclamation:
                  The time is fulfilled
                  the Kingdom of God is close at hand
                  repent (meta-noia = make a U-turn)
                  and believe (make a decision)
and exactly this happens in the Bar-Timaeus story
and surly in many life-stories.

1.) The blind and sidelined person is not satisfied any more with his/her situation;
dreaming about seeing, about a greater participation with the fulness of Life.
The person feels: the own situation is not the will of God or the person ist not
ready any more to accept this situation as the will of God.
But who and where to find a healer? who brings him/her on the way...
(Only the one who discover the srength / the will to get more Life will be able to quit the underdevelopment)

2.) X got to know JvN as saviour and full of pity etc...  and as Jesus really crosses
his way X has decided that Jesus may be his saviour.
(how important is it to keep Jesus Christ in discourse; to discover the life-style of Jesus as an attractive offer... )

3.) X is going public with his decision - against the public-wish; but X got now the attention of Jesus.
(In many parts of the world it's not wished to go public with God and Jesus;
God is only a private affair)

4.) Jesus calls X - and the disciples inform X and give courage.
(It's exactly the task of the New-Evangelisation, of the Parish-programme etc...)

5.) X throws off the stigma, makes a jump into the new situation and approaches Jesus.
(steps everyone has to do; conditions of fellowship)

6.) "What do you want me to do for you?"  asks the one, who's service is to bring fulness of Life. And X decided: "let me see again".
(the possibility "to see again" is already given - no need for a wonder!
only: you must take steps)

7.) But now Jesus didn't perform any wonder, the contrary:
Jesus reveals: "your trust has saved you".
(The meaning of trust; the trust-education in early childhood; the trust as
basic of relationships...)

8.) X, now understanding and not any more sidelined, is able to follow Jesus and
goes on the way.
(A way we read as we observe the life of Saints).

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