Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

Sun 32 B (11.11.12) Mk 12.41-44

The widow as an example.
Jesus once said: you must be perfect as the Father-in-Heaven is perfect.
Now we have it! This widow has fulfilled the advise...
looking at the widow: we see Yahwe-God at its best.: He is giving all what he has:
GRACE, CREATION, REDEMPTION > all free of charge! given to the human beings.
God is not waiting for a reward: God is pure "pro-existence".
Jesus and the widow have shown us what is pro-existence.
Now we hope: the Church-Community will also show us what ist means today to live a "pro-existence";  the Church is an "instrument of salvation" for the World.
Not only the direct Pastoral Work, but also the Parish- and Diocesan Finance-policy must show us how they live or work a Christian "pro-existence".

A philosophical notice:
St. Thomas Aquinas says: God is "ens a se" (self-subsistence)
Maybe it would be more clear to tell the people: "Deus est totus esse pro":
God is totally pro-existence (for his creation, for humanity).

A practical notice:
Ask your Parish-priest, your Bishop: for what you give off our collections?
If there is no accountability - why you give money???

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