Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Sun 33 B (18.11.12) Mk 13.24-32 Jesu' VISION

Mk today is eager to show us a great picture of Jesus:
the Jesus' VISION he likes to present with strong words to his disciples.

The whole world is in distress (cf. CNN, BBC, AJE, E-News ...
There is great uproar (cf. Tsunami, AIDS, bee's death, finance-trouble ...
The sun darkens, the moon loses, the stars fall
and the cosmological forces tremble -
     (cf. always against the evening, every day;
           always against the winter-time, every year;
           again and again in millions of years as the planet freezes;
           and finally after 5 billions of years as our sun-system burns up.
As now the time passes away - towards evening, winter, the end -
 as all strives towards nothingness - something special happens:

Everybody will see: humanity is coming, appears on the scene,
carried by clouds (the symbol of the configurations of world-history).
And the "Son of Man" shows salvation-power and great glory.
He is well active and he fulfills his mission.
Humanity at work...
The "Son of Man" is to be seen as a Redeemer ?
The man will save the planet "earth" ?

The great VISION is like a mirror of the evolutive present. It happens now -
the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Every evening - as all goes into darkness; nothing is any more at disposal...
         hope is given up
         light is estinguished
         faith is evaporated
         love is frozen
         all senses are wasted away
as the man's work fails - heaven and earth pass away -
once it came + now it stands + will not pass away:
The human Word of God as offer in all.

That's the message we have to perceive:
that the Word of God is a redeeming offer in all circumstances - a gospel!

This Word is at work now: the word is in the air, in the hearts and minds,
in the mouths and ears...
There is a word like God - it likes to touche you- why not now ?

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